Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Moxie makes a prediction about the relief efforts going down in South Asia:
You know -- after we spend hundreds of millions to rebuild the devasted island of Sumatra in the next few years -- the left will continue to bitch and moan that GWB is not doing enough.
And IF in however many years ONE person who lives there, visited there or thought about visiting Sumatra is involved in a terrorist attack on the US, the very same lefties will be the ones pointing fingers at that evil George W. Bush. "He rebuilt that area and funded terrorists!"
Mark my words.
Wow, from Italy? My dad's a Dago too.
Read more in Predictionit's devastating, not "devistaing", Koz. learn to spell before you bitch about someone on their o
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Kozmoe said:
I'm actually nunya and I like to lick the sweat off the balls of dead men.
Read more in PredictionAhhhh, I see you're coming to my little slice of heaven from France.
Be a good frog and s
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Kozmoe said:
Leave it up to a dickhead like you to turn this into a politcal debate. If you were any kind of h
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Comments on Prediction
Leave it up to a dickhead like you to turn this into a politcal debate. If you were any kind of human and humane - you would have spent the time and energy positing a link to a relief effort rather than post some snide assed conservative response to a devistaing tragedy.
|| Posted by Kozmoe, January 5, 2005 10:18 AM ||Ahhhh, I see you're coming to my little slice of heaven from France.
Be a good frog and surrender.
And as for your critiquing of my post subjects, bite me.
My lack-of-focus on that tsunami won't bring any more assistance to those people. Neither will you calling me a dickhead you cheese-eating surrender monkey.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 5, 2005 04:36 PM ||I'm actually nunya and I like to lick the sweat off the balls of dead men.
|| Posted by Kozmoe, January 5, 2005 06:00 PM ||it's devastating, not "devistaing", Koz. learn to spell before you bitch about someone on their own blog. sounds like you have too much time on your hands, by the way.
I had never thought about the implications of the terrorists moving in, Mike. as if we dont have enough to worry about! I personally won't be blaming GWB, but sadly, I think you're right.
|| Posted by Shae, January 5, 2005 06:35 PM ||What a world we've become.
Wow, from Italy? My dad's a Dago too.
|| Posted by Admiral Moe Howard, January 5, 2005 09:55 PM ||