Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Gee - I'm betting this won't make the NYT frontpage, backpage, or even those stupid advertisements that we all instantly toss aside (Hat Tip to Charles at LGF):
Gaza lull shaky as Palestinians fire rocket at settlers' school busAh, nothing says COMMITTMENT TO PEACE like attempting to turn a school bus loaded with children into a huge ball of fire....I've changed my mind: do NOT give these psychos a country of their own. To do so would only legitimize these types of actions as effective and they'd f*ck it up anyways and then blame Israel for their ineptitude.
Palestinians on Friday morning fired an anti-tank rocket on Friday morning at school bus carrying children outside the southern Gaza Strip settlement of Kfar Darom, shaking the fragile lull in violence. The rocket failed to hit the bus.
A mortar shell also hit a Gush Katif settlement. No damage or casualties were reported in either case.
Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip fired four Qassam rockets at the southern Israeli town of Sderot predawn Friday. The Magen David Adom ambulance service said that several people had been treated for shock.
Three of the rockets landed in an open field. One hit a building in the center of the Negev town, which was empty at the time due to renovation works.
The "Red Dawn" early warning system apparently did not work. Sderot residents last night talked of the return of fear to their lives.
Comments on Evil Zionist School Bus
Why would the NYT care? They're Jewish children. Even worse...they're "settler children"
|| Posted by jaws, May 7, 2005 10:53 AM ||Yeah really...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 9, 2005 09:14 AM ||Damned joos and their elusive buses of oppression!
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 10, 2005 09:05 PM ||