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This is the stuff that make people shake their heads when the phrase 'modern nation' is associated with Mexico:
Mexico protests to U.S. in immigration furorYes, we Americans need to stop enforcing our own nation's laws and borders and allow all of those down-trodden illegal
Mexico formally complained to the United States on Monday in an escalating dispute over immigration that led President Vicente Fox to make remarks last week that were widely condemned as racist.
Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez told reporters that Mexico sent Washington a diplomatic note, a form of official protest between two countries.
Mexico is complaining about tough new U.S. rules on foreigners that make it more difficult for millions of illegal immigrants from Mexico to get driver's licenses.
The controls, passed by Congress as part of a larger legislative package, also allow the extension of a fence on the border between California and Mexico aimed at stopping illegal immigrants.
Differences over immigration came to a head when Fox, frustrated that a proposal by President Bush to ease immigration restrictions had bogged down in Congress, told business people in Texas on Friday that Mexican immigrants "are doing jobs that not even blacks want to do there in the United States."
Now, we could get nasty and just starting putting tanks on the border. Or we could take a page out of Mexico's immigration policy handbook and deal with illegal aliens like they do on their southern border - physically toss them back into Guatemala.
Naw....that would be mean.
My original suggestion stands: dig a trench and fill it with gasoline...
Comments on Say What? Part III
No, Mikey, they're not Illegals. They're just "undocumented workers".
What about the Mexican military driving the soon to be illegals 30 miles down the border to avoid the Minute Men? Act of war.
|| Posted by GrumpyBunny, May 18, 2005 12:05 PM ||Punitive expeditions 50 miles within the invading nation.
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 18, 2005 12:20 PM ||How can anyone in their right mind, consider using the terms Modern+Nation+Mexico in the same sentence.
|| Posted by Tetzman, May 18, 2005 03:16 PM ||If we were to close our borders, 2 things would happen. 1) prices would temporarily rise on some goods/services, do to the change/shortage in cheap labor. 2) More Americans would be employed, due to the opening up of more lower level jobs.
The whole crap about "We're doing the jobs American's don't want to do", is just that. There're are enough poor & indigent folks in this country, that with a few adjustments, could do these same jobs that only Mexicans seem to be able to do...
Actually, I forgot one point: 3) prices for healthcare & infrastructure related items would drop significantly, due to drop in use...
|| Posted by Tetzman, May 18, 2005 03:45 PM ||