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U.S. Investigating Marine Shooting
I was only partially awake when I saw this on FoxNews this morning.BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The U.S. military said Tuesday it is investigating the videotaped fatal shooting of a wounded man by a U.S. Marine in a mosque in Fallujah. Iraqis condemned the act as "cowardice" and "something forbidden in Islam."
Investigators will determine whether the Marine acted in self-defense against what a spokesman described as an "enemy combatant."
The dramatic footage was taken Saturday by pool correspondent Kevin Sites of NBC television, whose report said the man who was killed didn't appear to be armed or threatening in any way, with no weapons visible in the mosque. The slain man was among a group of men wounded in fighting a day earlier at the mosque and left there. Three others in the group were also shot again Saturday by Marines, Sites said.
As with anything heinous as initial reaction(s) are sure to come out, there is probably more to this than is being reported - especially by the imbedded reporter that recorded this.
While there would be little reason to believe that a U.S. Marine would dishonor himself and the Corps by committing such an act, I'll hold judgement until more facts come out.
UPDATE: Charles at Little Green Footballs has the raw video footage of the incident. The photo I used in this post is a still-frame from the video; the Iraqi laying on the ground in it is the one that immediately starts motioning that he's unarmed after the Marine shoots.
UPDATE II: Deuddersun sounds off on this event and from what I know of him, this doesn't surprise me at all. Take a look.
Comments on Two to the Head in Fallujah
There are times when I really hate the media. I'm sure they are just blowing something out of perspective. That is what sells, sensationalism.
|| Posted by Maeve, November 16, 2004 04:40 PM ||This may come as a surprize to those of you who view me as a Liberal,Peace-loving Moonbat, but I'd of shot the fucker too!
This is a fucking war people! Who knows how many lives have been saved by eliminating an enemy combatant.
One of the roles snipers have fulfilled in the passt has been to wound an enemy in an open space, thereby drawing his comrades out to aid him, thereby providing more targets. Hopefully, all are killed, including the original wounded individual.
As for me, I'm standing behind this Marine. Well done!
(Guess I'll have to do a post on this, sigh...that's sure to piss of the three Liberal readers I have.)
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 18, 2004 07:49 AM ||I finally posted on this. You might be surprised but to me it's a no-brainer.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 22, 2004 09:31 AM ||