Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Here's something I learned today: Margaret Cho has a blog.
Here's something I suspected: she's an asshatted clown in the blogsphere as well as the meatsphere:
Obviously Margaret isn't up-to-speed on the concept of Free Speech: speaking your mind is free - the medium in which you speak it is subject to the whims of others.They Turned off the Mic After about 10 mins. my mic was turned off and the band, comprised of Asian, African-American, and Latino musicians, was hurried on to the stage. They passed me, looking apologetic. "We wish we didn't have to do this," they all said with their eyes as they launched in to a rousing rendition of "Sweet Home Alabama."
Using Lynyrd Skynyrd as a way to ethnically cleanse the stage after I was [unconstitutionally] censored was the most offensive.
Supra Footwear
Read more in Asshatted Clown in Two Mediums
Sean said:
Cho needs to take a primer course in Constitutional law. Only the State can "unconstitutionally
Read more in Asshatted Clown in Two Mediums
Comments on Asshatted Clown in Two Mediums
Cho needs to take a primer course in Constitutional law. Only the State can "unconstitutionally censor" someone. Private parties can, and do, censor people all the time.
Turning off her mic because her audience (or even just the event sponsor) was offended at her "speech" is not censorship. I hate hollywood types that feel any public (meaning you and me, not the State) backlash to their views is somehow censorship. What, only hollywood "stars" have freedom of speech, we can't express ourselves in response?
I would have boo'd and thrown food at her if I were in attendance. Immature? Sure. But no more so than her "act".
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