There has been much ado about the Amnesty International *cough* report on how the Gitmo detainess are living in a 'gulag'.
Oh please - for the love of God, STFU already.
Those detainees are lucky that they're getting such nice treatment - period. They're certainly getting better treatment then some of those 'hostages' that were beheaded in Iraq, huh?
And if it weren't for the graciousness of Americans these detainess wouldn't have any Korans to flush down a toilet. By the way, I dare you to try and flush a book down a toilet - can't be done.
And while I'm sure there might - might - be a case or two of *cough* abuse, it's nothing to get your panties in a wad over. There will always be a few jerks in every crowd and exhibiting one's actions isn't indicative of the American military as a whole.
The detainees should feel lucky that they weren't dealt with like the military in Chile or Argentina (I forget which) did: throw their asses out of a helicopter 100 miles out over the ocean. Seriously.
There isn't really much of a case for these dorks to rate lawyers to defend them. The U.S. should deal with them as they originally intended: military tribunals. Quick, easy, and the freaking ACLU can't get involved.
So just jam it about the 'gulag' and let's compare the Gitmo 'gulag' to some of the other more interesting 'gulags' in history. They don't compare - not by a long shot.
UPDATE: Michelle Malkin's weekly column sums up this 'outrage' over Gitmo and its 'gulag':
Guantanamo Bay will not be the death of this country. The unseriousness and hypocrisy of the terrorist-abetting Left is a far greater threat.
Comments on Jam It Already
What suprises me is how many people actually listen to Amnesia int'l
|| Posted by jaws, June 1, 2005 11:15 AM ||