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Yet another reason why Democrats just don't 'get it':
Tax hikes urged for richAs I was sitting here at school reading this, my friend Elly - who's a semi-liberal - instantly blurted out Rich people don't send their kids to public schools....why should they shell out more money? to which I agreed. She also agreed with me about the idiocy of taxing people simply because they make more money....Discrimination!! she says.
Assembly Democrats on Tuesday called for tax hikes for the state's top earners in order to pour $3 billion more into public schools, laying the groundwork for a summer budget standoff with Republican lawmakers and Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Although polls show California voters favor boosting taxes on upper-income earners to pay for schools, Schwarzenegger has said he will not support it. Republican lawmakers, who hold enough votes in the Legislature to block a tax increase, immediately balked at the plan.
But Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez, D-Los Angeles, said Democrats have "looked at every other option" and determined the increases are vital.
"Assembly Democrats are not afraid to cast the hard votes necessary to increase revenues when those revenues will be used to fund public education," Núñez said. "We are not going to shortchange our schools of the resources that they need to educate our children."
And she's right. There is no logical reasoning for taxing people at a higher tax rate simply cause they make more money, other than you're a socialist that believes that everyone is equal....except the rich. And they wonder why companies are relocating OUT of California.....dipsticks.
Comments on Discrimination!
Fire enough people to make up the difference. The end.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 1, 2005 07:52 PM ||Everyone is not equal. Nor should they be. Socialist equality never means elevating the poor, but tearing down the rich.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:47 PM ||Gotta love that compassionate conservatism when it raises it's ugly head. You know, the whole idea that the right had to come up with the slogan reveals how little compassion they have. It's like, "We're not conservatives, we're compassionate conservatives, unlike all those conservatives who were around before 2000..."
I always wonder, who gets to decide who's more equal? Who's more deserving? Who decides who the deserving poor are? Who gets to use the scarce resource of money? The rich? And they're better because? George W. is better than any of us because he's rich? Warren Buffet is better than us because he's rich? How about you guys's favorite Soros, is he more deserving of tax breaks than you, yogi? Is he more deserving to keep millions of dollars a year or wouldn't you like him to pay for a new school in your area... or maybe you don't have kids so you don't give a damn...
BTW, Mikey.... if Elly is a semi liberal, either I'm John Lennon, or you're so far right as to make Zell Miller look like a pinko ;-)
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 02:10 AM ||