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Here is part of the reason that Pablo *patooey* Paredes didn't get much sympathy here in San Deigo:
Joining the military for the wrong reasons
Pablo Paredes joined the United States Navy, not for love of country or to defend freedom, but because his college scholarship money ran out. “I ended up signing off six years of my life out of a lack of options,” he said. Was there a problem with the obvious option — a job?
Paredes said his reason for joining the military was not unique. Eight of the 14 students in one of his classes “ended up in the military in order to make ends meet.”Frackin-A Bianca!Paredes served his first two years in the comfort of his own country. He was then sent to Japan, where, he said, he “had an evolution of ideas after seeing how other people viewed our county.” His education about U.S. involvement in Iraq came from his new friend, a Turkish nightclub owner. Paredes said he was embarrassed about his lack of knowledge about the politics and history of his own country. Whose fault is that? Paredes was later ordered, not into battle, but onto a support ship that would carry Marines to the Gulf and then to Iraq. He refused to get on board because doing so, he said, would mean bringing hundreds of his fellow soldiers to their death.
Oddly enough, not one Marine ran off the ship to thank Paredes for potentially saving his or her life.
Paredes joined the military for all the wrong reasons. When it was time to face the reality of his decision, he got scared. To avoid looking like a coward, he tried to make himself out to be the victim. He knew exactly what he was doing and how far he could go.
He acted within the guidelines of open protest. He made sure the media was on the docks when he arrived. He even planned to throw his military ID in the water, but changed his mind when he learned there would be definite consequences.
Paredes was court-martialed, but basically received a slap on the wrist — nothing compared to the slap in the face his actions were to America’s true heroes, the men and women who defend this country, perhaps with fear, but always with pride and dignity.
“The ‘politically correct’ Navy judge at the special court-martial found Pablo Paredes guilty but sentenced him to a ridiculously light sentence of two month’s restriction and reduction to a seaman recruit,” said a retired U.S. Navy commander. “As others before him, Paredes should have received a bad conduct discharge and at least one year in a Marine brig at hard duty. Paredes represents the very worst of our country’s young people. He is not only a blatant opportunist who received all of the benefits the Navy offered, but a traitor when he turned his back on his country and his shipmates. Without doubt his ‘sentence’ will encourage others to concoct similar ‘lame’ excuses as to why they can’t fulfill their duty.
“My own son served three tours of duty in the Iraq/Kuwait area, at times dodging mortars and small arms fire. He feels his duty over there was the right thing to do and was proud to represent his country, as I was for 20 years.”
When his scholarship money ran out, Paredes should have found another way to pay for college. Clearly he needs the education. When he enlisted, he obviously was unable to read and understand the job description, which no doubt included the possibility of going to war. It would also serve him well to retake history and social studies in college, since he seems to have slept through those classes in high school.
Americans should be relieved that Paredes refused to board that ship. Who would want the likes of him protecting this country? In fact, if he’s so opposed to what America stands for, he should move. I hear France is beautiful this time of year.
The sad part is that while Pablo *patooey* didn't get hammered, he is now at the bottom of the food chain in the Navy. And at whatever command will have him, he'll be cleaning Navy sh*tters until his contract is up. And he won't even be getting decent money either as an E-1 Seaman Recruit. But 'thems the breaks' when you do stupid stuff with the Navy...
Comments on I Was FORCED to Join!
You maintain your GI bill if with every type of discharge OTHER than dishonorable. NOT GOOD enough I say.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 1, 2005 07:52 PM ||Pablo Paredes joined the United States Navy, not for love of country or to defend freedom, but because his college scholarship money ran out
Oh fer christ's sake. Right, for love of country or to defend freedom. I wonder how many years this writer spent in the service of her beloved country. With a statement like that I'd bet zip. Another pathetic young POS chickenhawk.
If the only people in the military right now joined out of love for country or to "defend freedom" there would be a draft. What a stupid fucking chickenhawk piece of shit thing to say.
As far as Paredes, there were other options, I'm sure, but like so many others he chose the military. When it came time to go to Iraq he decided he didn't want to take part in it. Hell he's just a sailor, how much combat is he going to see? Zip. It had nothing to do with chickening out. What's the worse that could happen? Is the Iraqi Navy going to sink him? Right. He stood his ground and took his licks, however light they might be. It's interesting how the article fails to mention that the ‘politically correct’ Navy judge at the special court-martial said he saw reason for the war in Iraq to be seen as illegal. Nice big piece to leave out, ignore the reason why paredes got off light.
I think Paredes should have boarded his ship. But I respect his decision, and little chickenhawks like this should shut up or suit up.
|| Posted by scroff, June 3, 2005 08:51 PM ||Well how about this: *I* say the same thing this writer said. [/growling kitten]
Pablo is now becoming a small footnote in the anti-war notebook and will be relegated to cleaning Navy shitters.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 4, 2005 02:21 PM ||For love of country is why I serve.
"I think Paredes should have boarded his ship. But I respect his decision, and little chickenhawks like this should shut up or suit up."
Well, making her shut up would be counterproductive to all those volunteering to fight for her right to speak.
Oh, and pablo didn't "stand his ground and take his licks". He decided to make a political statement on the backs of his shipmates. He acted like a little bitch.
I have SEEN people stand up and take their licks. They never did it around cameras.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 4, 2005 05:44 PM ||I* say the same thing this writer said
Big difference, Mikey. She is saying that people join the military out of love for country or to defend freedom, which are only two out of dozens of reasons people join and serve honorably, and if she had served she would have known that and wouldn't be dissing those that joined and served honorably to get a decent job with decent benefits for their family, to get out of a small deadend town, to see the world, for the hell of it, for a rush, for some adventure, to get some money for college, for whatever the hell. It would seem to me that she has been able to pay her way through college somehow, so then why isn't she in the military? Doesn't she love her country or want to defend freedom? If not than how does she get off talking shit about someone who joined the military for whatever reason, it's still one better than her. chickenhawk piece of shit.
You joined.. you served, for whatever reason, you put your money where your mouth is, it wasn't just lip service like so many of these chickenhawk fuckheads.
I guess then we must all love our country more than her, since we all served, therefore, since she obviously doesn't love her country or her freedom enough to defend it she needs to shut the fuck up.
What makes her, who sits her ass safe in her apartment, cheerleading from the sidelines, any better than paredes??????
Like I said, I thought he should have boarded his ship, because of his shipmates. He could have boarded, sailed and handed in his ID card to his Captain or whoever he would have handed it to, did his job on the ship so no one else had to carry his load. But here we have Ms. Sweety-safe-at-home, carrying no load at all other than the gritty job of dispensing spewage, just running her yap and getting paid for it... talking shit about something she has no idea about... she has alot of balls.
Paredes did stand his ground and stand before a court martial, he could have just disappeared like so many others. There are thousands of troops awol and no one is even looking for them. He made a huge point that is getting lost in all of this much too quickly. Lost hell, it hasn't even made it to the news.
I don't get it Mikey. You give guys like paredes who at least signed on the line the sole of your boot but give these chickenhawk little leeches a free ride... makes no sense to me at all... they remind me of the kids in high school who used to stand behind the big dumb kid and try to get him to beat somebody up, then run away when the teachers came...
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:57 AM ||Like Yogi *I* joined and served for love of country.
As for this woman's opinion piece, it's just that: an opinion piece.
I see your point about having more 'gravitas' (first time I've used that term....correctly I hope) to opine about Pablo's *patooey* decision to whimp out, but she is entitled to her opinion - I won't knock her on that regard.
And bottom-line is this: IMO Pablo *patooey* was a idiot for thinking that making a grandstand on the docks would get him out of all trouble and he fell on face - hard.
He thought he'd garner lots of support from the anti-war douche bags here in San Diego and again he fell on his face.
What this writer was stating was that all of his arguments were false, full of crap, and he got what was coming to Navy shitters.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, June 5, 2005 09:44 AM ||What this writer was stating was that all of his arguments were false, full of crap, and he got what was coming to Navy shitters
This writer needs to sign up or go back to reporting on Penny Socials. You can't sit there, IMNSHO, and spout how good and right and just the war is and not go help out. If you do, and you're physically able and of age to serve, you're a coward and a hypocrite.
As far as what paredes was saying, even Lieutenant Commander Bob Klant had to agree with his arguments, otherwise he might have gotten the big chicken dinner. That's the part she doesn't report and that no one is reporting.
|| Posted by scroff, June 5, 2005 01:17 PM ||The ONLY thing I have against pablo is that he did what he did in front of cameras.
I have SEEN troops that get orders to Iraq. I have seen a few completey freak out. (Baby on the way) I have ALSO seen the command structure take care of these troops to the point of making sure they stayed in and did not have to go.
I have seen the command grant them a discharge because they requested it. (You don't have to go to Iraq, but you can't stay here) NOT ONE of them did it IN FRONT OF CAMERAS. If pablo was MY troop, he would have been cuffed IN FRONT OF THE CAMERAS and thrown his ass into the brig. You want to take a stand, fine. But you do NOT do that on the BACKS OF YOUR FELLOW SOLDIERS.
That pussy.
|| Posted by Yogimus, June 5, 2005 07:38 PM ||