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There are some 'revealing' facts coming to light with the end of the election that make me thankful that Senator Kerry did not win.
It would seem that Kerry was so desparate to get Arizona Senator John McCain on the ticket as Vice President, that Kerry was willing to change the structure of the Department of Defense:
Now - some Democrats are practically wetting themselves over the prospect of President Bush imposing some sort of theocratic state, but I'd say this is something to be worried about too: Kerry shifting the authority of the Commander-in-Chief.During the early summer, Mr Kerry implored Mr McCain, the maverick Republican who ran against Mr Bush in the 2000 Republican primaries, to become his running-mate, meeting him seven times. He even offered to expand the vice-presidency to include running the Pentagon. “I can’t say this is an offer because I’ve got to be able to deny it,” Mr Kerry told Mr McCain. “But you’ve got to do this.”
Mr McCain told him he was out of his mind, and went on to embrace Mr Bush. “Goddammit,” a furious Mr Kerry said to an aide. “Don’t you know what I offered him? Why the f*** didn’t he take it?”
Bad pool Mr. Kerry - very bad pool. And I'm thankful that you lost.
Mikey, you're right and it's obvious to me that Kerry was just desperate enough to promise someon
Read more in 'Give You the Pentagon!'
Mad Mikey said:
It's (to me) a bit un-nerving because it's coaxing someone with a reward and the duties of the VP
Read more in 'Give You the Pentagon!'
Grim said:
I'm honestly curious about this.
1) that the Secretary of Defense is a pos
Read more in 'Give You the Pentagon!'
Mad Mikey said:
What does outsourcing jobs have to do with realignment of the chain of command over the Pentagon?
Read more in 'Give You the Pentagon!'
deuddersun said:
Hmmm, so this is how the "healing" begins? Okaaay. I'll keep this in mind.
So when YOUR
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Francis W. Porretto said:
I can't say I'm surprised. Kerry regarded the presidency as his by right -- one might even say, a
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Comments on 'Give You the Pentagon!'
I can't say I'm surprised. Kerry regarded the presidency as his by right -- one might even say, as a birth entitlement -- and therefore, anything he did to achieve it was utterly right and proper, including trashing the Constitution of the United States.
I hope this gets into wide circulation.
|| Posted by Francis W. Porretto, November 6, 2004 04:38 AM ||Hmmm, so this is how the "healing" begins? Okaaay. I'll keep this in mind.
So when YOUR job is outsourced and your benefits run out and you can't make it on unemployment and you have to work for Wal Mart, suck it up and be a Real American, Mikey, don't whine, pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Or try praying, Yeah, that always put bread on MY table.
|| Posted by deuddersun, November 7, 2004 03:11 PM ||What does outsourcing jobs have to do with realignment of the chain of command over the Pentagon?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 7, 2004 04:28 PM ||I'm honestly curious about this.
1) that the Secretary of Defense is a position that isn't named in the Constitution;
2) that the only stricture on the President's appointment of a SECDEF is the advice and consent of the Senate;
3) that he could name the Vice President as easily as anyone else;
why is this an innately terrible idea? I mean, I voted against Kerry too, don't get me wrong -- I agree he had no business being CiC. But so far as I can see, there's nothing in this particular proposal that's bad by nature.
Actually, it has a few things to recommend it. If it became traditional, we'd (a) know who we were getting as a SECDEF when we were making up our minds how to vote, and also (b) we'd get VPs who weren't just meaningless placeholders (John Edwards, call your office), but who had real defense credentials. Since the main job of the VP is to stand up to the Presidency in case of assassination or other traumatic death of the President, that would seem to be a good thing.
|| Posted by Grim, November 7, 2004 08:03 PM ||It's (to me) a bit un-nerving because it's coaxing someone with a reward and the duties of the VP are expressly specified in the Constitution.
Granted, the SECDEF isn't specified in the Constitution, but the office and the person filling the position are confirmed by the Senate.
It just smacks of bribery to me.....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, November 7, 2004 08:21 PM ||Mikey, you're right and it's obvious to me that Kerry was just desperate enough to promise someone the sun and the moon, and "all those pretty stars that light up your eyes", in order to win the presidency. Thankfully, McCain didn't take the bait.
It frightens me to think what might have happened if Kerry had won.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 7, 2004 10:09 PM ||