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Bush Appoints Bolton to U.N. JobWhat's funny about this is that for all the stalling, all the rhetoric from the Dems, all the screeching about what a 'monster' he is that President Bush waited only one hour after the Congressional recess started to exercise his authority to name Bolton to the post of Ambassador to the United Nations.
WASHINGTON — President Bush bypassed Congress Monday and appointed John Bolton to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.
"This post is too important to leave vacant any longer, especially during a war and a vital debate about U.N. reform. So today I've used my constitutional authority to appoint John Bolton to serve as America's ambassador to the United Nations," Bush said, with Bolton at his side, during an announcement in the Roosevelt Room of the White House.
"I am sending John to the U.N. with my complete confidence ... His mission now is to speak for me on critical issues facing the international community. And he'll make it clear that America values the potential of the United Nations to be a source of hope and dignity and peace," Bush said.
The Dems excercised their 'powers' to block the confirmation of John Bolton and the President upped the ante.
Message to the Dems: Don't bluff unless you're ready to have your hand called...
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» Blogs for Bush links with: Ambassador Bolton, on August 01, 2005, 11:01 AM
Excerpt: President Bush bypassed the Senate used his constitutional power today and appointed John Bolton to be the next U.S. ambassador to the United Nations! "This post is too important to leave vacant any longer, especially during a war and a...
Comments on Bluff Called
I am so glad that Bush did this. DU has been so dull lately.
Im looking forward to a new round of conspiracy theorys, some thinly disguised science fiction movies disguised as personal nightmares, maybe a few posts blaming it on the jews, maaybe even a few more posts blaming it on the catholics.
If we are lucky, they may even blame it on the masons!!
Its going to be a good week :).
|| Posted by RattRigg, August 1, 2005 07:53 PM ||