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Yogimus sums this up nicely:
It is indeed sad that this woman lost her son in Iraq, but Yogimus has it right: honor your son for what *HE* believed in - not what those whispering in your ear believe in.Hey Pablo... there is a new Anti-War prop in town. Note to Cindy: Enjoy being used and tossed to the curb. Hope they use lube.
The last guy they used as a prop? Cleaning shitters for a living. His buddies? Doubt they even remember his name. Do YOU really think all your pity party friends are gonna give a piss about you once they're done using you? Guess again.
Tell you what... Your son lived as a soldier, and DIED as a soldier. For pete's sake, let the world remember him as a soldier. Not as "That dead guy with the fucked up mother".
*Update: If I die and anyone tries this shit, I will HAUNT YOU till the end of time.
UPDATE: It would seem that Cindy Sheehan is acting the part of the 'rogue' in her family:
FAMILY OF FALLEN SOLDIER PLEADS: PLEASE STOP, CINDY!The family of American soldier Casey Sheehan, who was killed in Iraq on April 4, 2004, has broken its silence and spoken out against his mother Cindy Sheehan's anti-war vigil against George Bush held outside the president's Crawford, Texas ranch.
The following email was received by the DRUDGE REPORT from Casey's aunt and godmother:
Our family has been so distressed by the recent activities of Cindy we are breaking our silence and we have collectively written a statement for release. Feel free to distribute it as you wish. Thanks Ð Cherie
In response to questions regarding the Cindy Sheehan/Crawford Texas issue: Sheehan Family Statement:
The Sheehan Family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq War and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the the expense of her son's good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan Family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.
Casey Sheehan's grandparents, aunts, uncles and numerous cousins.
To me, this indicates that while Cindy Sheehan has all the right in the world to grieve for her son being killed in Iraq, that the rest of the family is so against her in her current 'crusade' and with the anti-war dorks that are propping her up that they'd 'take sides' and issue this statement.
Now here is a woman that should be taking stock of what matters to her more: her 15 minutes in the spotlight - and I'm almost willing to be money that as soon as her 'usefulness' is spent that she'll be dropped like a brick by the anti-war crowd in lieu of the next 'tool' (Remember Pablo? Seen him lately? My point exactly.) or getting through the grieving process with the love and support of her family.
In my opinion, Cindy is just being conned by the anti-war lemmings as they're able to whisper the right things into her ear about how she's a victim, how Bush like, your kid died, and other monosylabic catch-phrases.
And just as sure that Pablo *patooey* Paredes is rethinking his decision to 'fight the military' as he's cleaning his 1,000th Navy shitter, one morning Cindy will wake up and realize that she was used for mere political gain. That will be a very sad day in her life - just second to when her son was killed.
Please Cindy - wake up and see what's happening to you and your family at the hand of those around you that promote you standing outside the President's ranch in Texas.
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