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Someone with the guts to 'out' themselves up in Hollyweird.
By way of California Conservative:
Help! I`m A Hollywood Republican!Me, I’m a Republican. A conservative Republican. I believe passionately in free market capitalism. I believe in the Second Amendment, i.e., the right to bear arms (I even own several guns and go to the shooting range with friends from shul several times a month). I despise communism and fascism, and I believe there is a special place in hell for Islamic totalitarians and their Western apologists — probably 99.9 percent of Hollywood people.
Let’s be clear about one thing. Hollywood people are glamorous. But that’s about it. They are ill informed about jihad. They are ill informed about Islam. They are ill informed about Israel, the PA, Iraq, Afghanistan. They are ill informed about U.S. history, the Constitution, etc. The truth is, the movie people I’ve met are ignorant about most everything — save the weekend grosses of the top ten films. That they know like human computers.
It's nice to see someone that isn't afraid to be themselves - especially in a 'hostile' environment like Hollywood although I'm thinking that really soon you'll be subjected to the treatment that 'unpossessed' people in 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'....sort of like Donald Sutherland pictured here.
Good luck with not being turned into a pod person.
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