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I'm not a big fan of his music (that I'm aware of anyway) but I do like his style when talking straight:
Pat Boone shreds Cindy 'peaceniks'He's got a point: sitting around hoping that you don't get your ass kicked is just an invitaiton to get it kicked.
"This lady and the groups that have been demonstrating in front of the president's ranch in Crawford and following him around are the very same people that were the dropout, turn-on, anti-war peace activists back [in the Vietnam War era]," Boone said. "They still have this crazy notion that by just being peaceful and maybe toking up or something like that – it's like an ostrich with its head in the sand – maybe the danger and the bad guys will go away and leave you alone, which is not gonna happen."
The original "American Idol," who sold more records than any other pop artist in the 1950s except Elvis Presley, said no one likes war, and he wishes it were not the answer.
"But, look," he said, "when [terrorists] destroy the World Trade Center right in front of your eyes in Manhattan and you know they're going to do the same and worse things, to just sit back and say 'Oh, let's try not to make 'em mad at us, let's don't rock the boat, let's just say peace is the answer, we love you, we love you' ... we're just sitting ducks. More World Trade Centers, more 9-11s are gonna happen unless we try to take the battle to them on their turf instead of letting 'em bring it to us on ours."
This used to happen to me in high school; I'd really stay out of the way of the rednecks (the beligerent ones) and they'd come looking for me since I (at the time) wasn't really big and wasn't very good at handling confrontations like that.
I don't know exactly who said it - it might be some obscure Roman saying - but it's applicable here:
If you want peace, prepare for war.The more accurate quote is here:
Let him who desires peace prepare for war.In a perfect world, counting on the other guy to be nice *might* work, but we do not live in perfect world. Being prepared to kick the shit out of someone or some nation works. Ever wonder why no one until recently has attempted to attack the United States? They haven't because we've got the world's more sophisticated military and are quite prepared to deploy and use it.
Flavius Vegetius Renatus
(~375 AD)
Pat has it right - wishful thinking will get your ass kicked and it will contribute in a fashion on the next possible terrorist attack.
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Comments on Wishful Thinking is Deadly
There's also geographical location and size of population to contend with.
|| Posted by Royston, August 27, 2005 04:04 PM ||(your points about Cindy, the other day were well taken, gentlemen. The Anti-war movement does not need to resort to such spin and it should know it.)