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Cindy Sheehan reveals a little bit more of herself.
By way of John Hawkins at Right Wing News:
Cindy: Terrorists 'freedom fighters'Freedom fighters?
...But now that we have decimated the country, the borders are open, freedom fighters from other countries are going in, and they [American troops] have created more terrorism by going to an Islamic country, devastating the country and killing innocent people in that country.
I guess we can now say that Cindy supports acts like this? Or maybe this?
Congratulations Ms. Sheehan - you've now officially become a public moron. You've exceeded the design specifications on human absurdity and are screaming along at Ludacris Speed. And you're also headed straight for that brick wall we like to call REALITY where you'll soon become a crimson stain.
It is no wonder that you've become a 'tool' of the anti-war psychos - you're just not smart enough to recognize it was happening.
I am sorry that you've lost your son, but realize that he CHOSE to enlist and then CHOSE again to re-enlist. He knew what he was doing whereas you do not.
Pack it in Ms. Sheehan - go home and grieve for your son, but do not lecture the rest of America on what YOU think is happening around the world and expect us to lap it up.
We've all got opinions on all sorts of things in our world but you do not have the corner market on grief, misery, and dispair - EVERYONE has it in their lives. Share it in hopes of overcoming it? Sure - go right ahead. That doesn't mean that we're going to follow your cue on how to act/react to America being under siege.
You do your son a dishonor by using him like a tool that you've become.
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Comments on She's Gone Plaid!
Have you ever heard her speak? The woman is a complete moron!
|| Posted by Dave, August 24, 2005 01:20 PM ||No, really! Keep her around till the '06 elections! She weaves some FINE hangin rope with that mouth of hers.
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 01:23 PM ||Well, maybe I shouldn't be so hard on Cindy. I heard some stuff she has said, and she seems to be getting misinformation. The left also seems to be abusing her. She obviously doesn't know what she's talking about, so she has an excuse. That's why they want to prop her up, because if anybody who was taken seriously would say these things they wouldn't be taken seriously for very long. Cindy Sheehan has no real reputation on the line.
|| Posted by Dave, August 24, 2005 01:30 PM ||It's pretty obvious that anybody fighting an invader is entitled to call themselves a freedom fighter. Do you guys not own dictionaries?
|| Posted by royston, August 24, 2005 03:34 PM ||So... if you fight a foreign nation on foreign soil, whilst terrorizing the local populace makes you a freedom fighter?
|| Posted by Yogimus, August 24, 2005 03:54 PM ||That's right, Roidston, they fight freedom.
|| Posted by Rob@L&R, August 24, 2005 04:03 PM ||Gen Lute said 90% of what he called the "enemy" in Iraq was domestic. There was only a "slither" of foreign fighters "sponsored from outside".
|| Posted by royston, August 31, 2005 04:42 PM ||