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Twin Towers steel used in construction of USS New YorkEven my kid (who's sitting here watching me type) said 'Cool!!'. You cannot sum this up any more susictly than that...
ARLINGTON, Va. — From rubble to avenging angel: The U.S. Navy is using steel from the World Trade Center in a new ship, according to the Navy.
Ten tons of steel from the World Trade Center’s twin towers will be used in the construction of the USS New York, according to a Navy official.
The San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock is slated to be commissioned in 2008.
“USS New York will ensure that all New Yorkers and the world will never forget the evil attacks of September 11, and the courage and compassion New Yorkers showed in response to terror,” said New York Gov. George Pataki at the ship’s 2002 naming.
Here is the 'fact file' on the San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock.
(Mad Mikey grimace to Michelle Malkin for this story....even if she never returns my e-mails to her....)
...kills one hundred thousand innocent people...
Royston you twerp - are you using
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royston said:
No country that kills one hundred thousand innocent people may call itself compassionate without
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Davey said:
That does look pretty cool.
And Michelle Malkin ignores me, too. I mean, she doesn't ret
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Comments on USS New York LPD-21
That does look pretty cool.
And Michelle Malkin ignores me, too. I mean, she doesn't return my emails, my calls, and I haven't gotten one thank you card from all the flowers I've sent her over the last year.
..okay, so maybe I made that up. I am NOT a crazy stalker!
|| Posted by Davey, August 18, 2005 11:48 AM ||No country that kills one hundred thousand innocent people may call itself compassionate without charges of gross hypocrisy being laid against it. That goes for jolly, old England too.
|| Posted by royston, August 31, 2005 02:40 PM ||Our hearts are full of hate.
...kills one hundred thousand innocent people...
Royston you twerp - are you using that beat-to-death LIE about 100,000 Iraqis being killed because of the war? That *cough* fact was killed long ago:
Look it up - it was shown to be from an author that was blatantly BIASED.
Typical leftist tactic - argue like a chick....take something inane/false, turn it around, give it a twist.
Royston, this is a false *cough* fact from almost a year ago. It's been shown to be total crap and as such, ignored by most intelligent people debating the merits of this war. Would you consider yourself intelligent or are you just another parrot regurgitating tired talking points to attempt to make your weak point?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 31, 2005 03:13 PM ||