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Here's a story (the first I believe) about the California Bear Flag League and it's current and future impact on California politics & life:
These political bloggers are not out of their leagueThe BFL had a conference this past weekend up in Pasadena. Sadly, I was not able to attend.
My visit here was to speak to and observe a gathering of the Bear Flag League, a loose network of conservative bloggers who are based in California and write frequently about state policy and politics. Formed by a half-dozen pioneers during the campaign to recall Gov. Gray Davis in 2003, the league now lists more than 100 members from throughout the state.
None of them are famous, or even particularly well known. Most probably get only a few hundred or at best a couple of thousand visitors to their sites on an average day. But multiply those little clusters of readers by the 100 blogs in this group and pretty soon you are talking about real numbers. A political story covered in all of these blogs would probably be read by more people than one of my columns published in The Bee.
Justene Adamec, a La Canada lawyer whose Calblog ( was one of the league's founding members, said she had no idea in the summer of 2003 that the little group she helped formed would grow so fast and so big. She now sees the alliance as a potential force in that newly forming and fast-evolving place where citizen journalism meets political activism.
It's nice to see that the BFL isn't just a collection of misfit toys here in California.
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» Local Liberty links with: Blogging The Bear Flag League Blogger's Conference:
The "Long Tail" Effect, on July 19, 2005, 10:57 AM
Excerpt: Dan Weintraub's column talks about Sunday's Bear Flag League Conference, which Ken and I attended. Weintraub emphasizes the "long tail" effect, meaning that the combined efforts of the smaller blogs of groups like the League often have a greater impact...
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