Walter Cronkite needs to check the label on his meds:
Former CBSNEWS anchorman Walter Cronkite believes Bush adviser Karl Rove is possibly behind the new Bin Laden tape.
Cronkite made the startling comments late Friday during an interview on CNN.
Cronkite said he is "inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing."
Interviewer Larry King did not ask Cronkite to elaborate on the provocative election eve accusation.
I'm serious.....wait for it.
You people are...out of your depth. Agreed, Uncle Water was a jerk who manipulated his public sh
Read more in Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
Mike the Marine said:
The guy has really lost the bubble on reality hasn't he?
That is some impres
Read more in Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
deuddersun said:
This is the kind of shit that makes me crazy! Cronkite is off his rocker! In this case Cronkite
Read more in Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
Davey said:
Well, what do you expect? He's a senile old coot. He's a far cry from the man who reported on t
Read more in Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
Pixy Misa said:
Well, now we know who Dan Rather caught it from.
Read more in Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
Comments on Cronkite: Losing His Marbles
Well, now we know who Dan Rather caught it from.
|| Posted by Pixy Misa, October 31, 2004 12:08 AM ||Well, what do you expect? He's a senile old coot. He's a far cry from the man who reported on the moon landing way-back-when. I hope when I'm that age I don't turn into a crazy conspiracy theorist... I mean even more than I already am.
|| Posted by Davey, October 31, 2004 12:31 AM ||This is the kind of shit that makes me crazy! Cronkite is off his rocker! In this case Cronkite should have fired those neurons you're talking about, Mikey!
Frankly, I can't wait until the election is over. The vitriol coming from all of us, myself included, is only serving to further divide our country and I only hope that, unlike Humpty-Dumpty, we will be able to put it back together again regardless of who wins on November 2.
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 31, 2004 05:42 AM ||WOW.
The guy has really lost the bubble on reality hasn't he?
That is some impressive insanity. But sure - I'll buy it. I mean, if "America's most trusted news man" said it, it must be true, right?
|| Posted by Mike the Marine, October 31, 2004 01:32 PM ||You people are...out of your depth. Agreed, Uncle Water was a jerk who manipulated his public shamelessly while he was still working for CBS, and agreed his overall effect on the news media was negative, and agreed he always was an empty suit. But ye gods, don't you people realize that he was JOKING, for crying out loud?? The reason King did not pick up on it was that it was a flat, uninspired joke. If Walter had meant it seriously, he would have presented it differently and King would have jumped on it.
I'm in the position of having to explain a joke to someone who simply did not get it, and that never works. You either saw that Walter was doing his best, given his lame sense of humor, or you didn't. So I suspect many of you will still think his words were meant literally.
Right: it was not funny. In fact it was so stupid that King must have been embarrassed. But it really was a feeble attempt at satire. Very feeble, very stupid, and that should tell you something about a man who managed to pass himself off as a wise old uncle for so many years. He fooled a lot of people then, and he's still fooling them today, but in this case it wasn't intentional.
|| Posted by L. Barnes, October 31, 2004 03:53 PM ||