Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
So yesterday after dealing with yet another doctor's appointment, I went down to Price Club/Costco to get some gas.
I pull up the shortest line and shut off the engine. The car immediately in front of me is some japanese import (Honda?) with a Kerry/Edwards '04 sticker taped up in the back window.
I thought: 'Well, there has to be someone around here that's a Kerry backer...' and turned on the CD player to listen to some Oingo Boingo.
I also notce that the car in front of that one was a Ford Astro van that also sported a Kerry/Edwards '04 sticker to which I thought 'safety in numbers....?' and turned up 'Just Another Day' on the CD player really loud.
The lady in the japanese import gets out and she's sporting a Kerry/Edwards button. 'Wow....' I thought, 'she's really into it'.
I then spent the next two and a half minutes listening to Oingo Boingo and watching this lady attempt to slide her Costco card into the gas pump's card reader with the card UPSIDE DOWN.
Slide....stare....slide again.....stare again....slide once again.....blame Bush....
She finally realizes that she's doing it wrong and gets it right. Another indication of the Democratic mindset here in San Diego?
Now, while I was enraptured with watching the Kerry/Edwards lady minion performing a simple task the wrong way, the guy in the Astrovan in front of here has been chit-chatting on his cell phone about three feet away from the gas pump.
**BIG NO-NO** This is a good way to start a fire at the gas pump incase you didn't realize it.
While he's been chit-chatting, the gas pump nozzle had already gone CH-CHUNK (because of the back pressure from the gas tank being 'full') and was just sitting there. After about a minute or so, this clown finally realizes that his minivan if full and proceeds to replace the nozzle back into the gas pump - all while blathering on this freakin cell phone!!
After closing the tank, he then proceeds to walk in front of his van and continue chit-chatting on the cell phone even though he's done.
Now I mention this because in addition to not only myself wait patiently to get gas, there were another three or more cars behind me also waiting.....and this dork is just blatthering away.
A firm hand on the horn of my truck got this man's attention - and scared the crap out of the Kerry/Edwards lady with the defective CostCo card. Cell phone man looks a little 'annoyed' by the horn interupting his important phone call and he starts to get into his van finally.
About this time, the Kerry/Edwards lady finally finishes her gas pumping and also leaves right after cell phone man.
As I pulled up the the pumps to get my gas - 10 minutes later - I really had to stop and think: Is this indicative of most Kerry/Edwards supporters? Are they either too dumb or too wrapped up in their little world to realize what's happening right around them?
It kind of put a chill in me to think that Kerry might win the election and then it's four years of upside down credit cards and being oblivious to blatant danger.
Comments on Kerry Supporters Go Get Gas
Ah Mikey, those folks were just morons, plain and simple. You were a lot more polite than I would have been, Kerry supporter or not. I wouldn't have waited ten minutes to lean on the horn, LOL!
|| Posted by deuddersun, October 30, 2004 10:24 AM ||d. It's SoCal, sooo much more laid back than the East Coast. Me, I'm just an asshole, I figure I enough truck and 2nd gear for two vehicles, a little nudge might get his attention. ;)
|| Posted by kilabe, October 30, 2004 12:27 PM ||But that might cause them to feel 'persecuted'....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 30, 2004 12:35 PM ||I was at a gas station recently and was scratching my head at this "bumper" sticker.
Seems that this car owner placed a "W '04" sticker on her gas tank door on the side of her car.
I scratched my head for a minute, but it did seem fitting.
|| Posted by rob, October 30, 2004 02:22 PM ||That took me a minute to 'get' also.
Clever, but wrong IMO.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, October 30, 2004 02:37 PM ||If you can draw conclusions about the nature of Kerry supporters in general, based on a sample size of two idiots at a gas station, then you're just as stupid as they are. There are morons of every political stripe. At least the Kerry voting bloc doesn't include Southern Baptists, who happen to be among the dumbest, most backward-thinking people on the planet. Creationism, anyone?
|| Posted by Ocala, October 31, 2004 04:35 PM ||