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Well no sh*t Sherlock:
Report Criticizes Annan, U.N. Security Council in Oil-for-Food ScandalI think that someone slipped a clue or two into Kofi's Wheaties recently.
UNITED NATIONS — Kofi Annan on Wednesday called the latest report on the U.N. Oil-for-Food program "embarrassing" as it slammed the secretary-general, his deputy and the Security Council for allowing Saddam Hussein to cheat $10.2 billion from the humanitarian operation.
The report was released by the Independent Inquiry Committee to the Security Council Wednesday morning before it was released to the public.
"The findings of today's report must be deeply embarrassing to all of us," Annan told the Security Council Wednesday. "None of us — member states, secretariat … can be proud of what it has found. Who among us can now claim that U.N. management is not a problem or is not in need of reform?"
Now if these clowns would ACT upon what everyone on the planet knew months ago....that they're NOW realizing is a problem, then maybe there might be some hope for the United Nations. As it stands now, it's a kaffeeklatsch that's highly paid to sit around and 'hem & haw' over the world's woes.
Damn, what next - liberals realizing that they're living in the Matrix of Talking Points?
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Comments on Kofi Gets a Clue
Years ago I got a history lesson from an old friend that served in Korea. He said the U.N. was currupt from it's begining and it's been all down hill every since.
God Bless America, God Save The Republic
|| Posted by David Schantz, September 7, 2005 06:02 PM ||I was soooo surprised to learn that Kofi might not be quite so upstanding a citizen. Who'd a thunk it?
|| Posted by Cait, September 7, 2005 08:34 PM ||