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Held off a few days to comment on this and unless you've been in 'deep freeze' or doing hard time then you're also aware of this:
Chief Justice Rehnquist has diedI'm not really capable of commenting on the pros or cons of Rehnquist's duration as Cheif Justice, but I do know this: if you thought that the 'fur was flying' with the nomimation of John Roberts to replace Sandra Day O'Connor on the Supreme Court then you ain't seen nothing yet.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Chief Justice William Rehnquist, who quietly advanced the conservative ideology of the Supreme Court under his leadership, died Saturday evening. He was 80.
The justice, diagnosed with thyroid cancer, had a tracheotomy and received chemotherapy and radiation as part of his treatment.
Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said Rehnquist had "continued to perform his duties on the Court until a precipitous decline in his health the last couple of days."
Then with his three children beside him, the justice died at his suburban Virginia home, a court spokeswoman said.
Citizen Smash reports on something I had initially heard of on Saturday night:
With this slight change in Roberts nomination to the Court itself, this is what I'm referring to when I say you ain't seen nothing yet. The 'fur' will indeed fly considering that the two nominees to replace Rehnquist and O'Connor will possible shape the legal landscape of this nation for the next 30 years.UPDATE: President Bush has nominated John Roberts to be Chief Justice. Sandra Day O'Connor will remain on the court until her replacement, who has yet to be named, has been confirmed.
And I will comment on one aspect that seems to make a lot of people quake in their boots: if - IF - the matter of Roe vs. Wade is brought back to the Court for reconsideration and it's overturned, it IMHO will not outlaw women from getting an abortion.
Will NOT force American women to seek the 'back alley' treatment.
IMHO if this matter were to be brought before the Court with the aim of overturning Roe vs. Wade, the matter will revert back to the state it was back in 1973 - it will be up to the STATES to determine if abortion on demand will be legal withing their realm of authority.
For the moment, I don't care one way or another as to the rights of women versus the rights of the fetus; I've always been of the mindset that it's up to the woman to determine if she wants to consider the fetus within her to be a child to be born, raised, & nurtured or a parasite to be eliminated from their bodies. I'm not 'gung-ho' religious, but I've always thought that it's between a woman and the possible judgement she'll face while standing in front of the Pearly Gates.
But then again, what do I know.....I'm a man.
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» Political News and Blog Aggregator links with: Rehnquist shaped high court conservatism, on September 05, 2005, 12:19 PM
Excerpt: William Rehnquist, the chief justice of the Supreme Court who died on Saturday evening at the age of
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