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Here at UCSD, there are quite a few letters sent tot he editor of the school newpaper, the UCSD Guardian. Sometimes they're funny, sometimes, they not.
And sometimes the comments left by people on the paper's website are hilarious:
And here's the response (so far):Dear Editor,
What are you doing for Halloween? How about dressing up as a dead person — a victim of the Bush regime — one that has already died either in New Orleans, Iraq or crossing the U.S./Mexico border? Or put on an orange jumpsuit and bag over your head and be a torture victim in Abu Ghraib prison.
Or you could be a future victim of the Bush regime: a woman who dies of an illegal abortion, from spousal abuse, or vigilante gangs of white racists like the Minutemen. Or maybe you died under military quarantine from the bird flu, or committed suicide in 2010 because of gay bashing. Or you died in a concentration camp because you disagreed with the Bush regime. Any other ideas? But for this to have an impact, maybe you should wear signs: “victim of the Bush regime, 2006” — “died in a pandemic” — to make it clear what you mean.
— Milton H. Saier, Jr.
Professor of molecular biology, UCSD
The following was email to Milton "the clown" Saier. Here is his email address msaier@ucsd.eduTo Milton "the clown" Saier,
I think a better costume idea would be to dress as a Leftist university professor who has his head buried so deep in Left-wing propaganda that he feels the need to write a letter to the school newspaper thereby revealing how impeded and clouded his mental process is. Stick to the mechanics of your area of expertise and avoid social and political issues because the hateful fear-mongering in your letter to the editor is frightful and so off-base I almost laughed. Your letter is especially frightening since you have a podium in front of a fairly sizeable group of people who you can influence. I am thankful you teach a science class and don't have the opportunity to spout nonsense in a poli-sci or sociology class.
In reality, you are tantamount to a clown; and thus, in honor of Milton Saier, I will dress as such this Halloween and wear a label bearing your name in full splendor as a feeble-minded clown on library walk this Halloween.
Happy Halloween Professor Clown.
Adam Richards
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Comments on Clown School Sometimes
I'm glad to see that someone answered that diatribe.
|| Posted by Cait, November 1, 2005 08:05 AM ||I'm tempted...
|| Posted by Da Goddess, November 2, 2005 04:13 AM ||Awesome! I' surprised the paper printed the rebuttal. Thanks for the laugh.
|| Posted by Scott, November 3, 2005 08:03 PM ||This made me stand and applaud at my desk. Yes, the dog looked at me oddly, but geeze louise it was brilliant! Thanks for the smile!!!!
|| Posted by Gracie, November 6, 2005 07:57 PM ||