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This was from last Thursday evening and I'm just now getting around to commenting on it:
House votes to reject withdrawal resolutionFollowing three hours of intense debate, the House voted this evening 403-3 to reject a non-binding resolution to immediately withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq.
Responding to a call yesterday by Democratic Rep. Jack Murtha of Pennsylvania to withdraw troops from Iraq, House Republicans had scheduled a quick vote this evening to settle the issue and put lawmakers on the record.
The Republican alternative read: "It is the sense of the House of Representatives that the deployment of United States forces in Iraq be terminated immediately." It was proposed by Rep. Duncan Hunter of California.
Democrats accused Republicans of changing the meaning of Murtha's proposal. The Democrat hawk has said a smooth withdrawal would take six months.
House GOP leaders expected a swift rejection and that, indeed did occur.
Democrats argued the vote was a political stunt but rallied to vote against it to diminish its significance.
On the other hand, this was a non-binding resolution which meant that the House of Representatives could have been voting on a declaration that Lindsay Lohan is actually an English carried that little weight. Had it been passed by a majority in the House, it still wouldn't make that much of an impact although those anti-war folks would be touting it as though it were a message delivered directly from God himself (even if they don't want God being included in any sort of government function).
So, here is what you got: a useless resolution that enabled anti-war House members to actually put on a 'brave face' and reject it.
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Comments on Sheepdog Politics
Did you mean to say "useless Congress" instead of "useless resolution".
|| Posted by Cait, November 21, 2005 03:14 PM ||