Apparently, the concept of 'safe on base' when playing Tag isn't known throughout the world:
Immigration Activist Arrested Outside L.A. ChurchWhen I first heard about this on the radio this morning, my first and only thought was: Dumb.
(AP) LOS ANGELES An illegal immigrant who stayed in a Chicago church for a year to avoid separation from her 8-year-old son, a U.S. citizen, was arrested Sunday and being processed for deportation.
Elvira Arellano, who arrived in Los Angeles on Saturday after leaving her sanctuary to campaign for immigration reform, was arrested around 1:30 p.m. outside Our Lady Queen of Angels Catholic Church where she had been speaking to reporters, said the Rev. Walter Coleman, pastor of Adalberto United Methodist, the Chicago church.
Arellano was "being processed for removal to Mexico based upon a deportation order originally issued by a federal immigration judge in 1997," U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a news release.
That's right: dumb.
How dumb do you have to be to seek sactuary in a church and then to purposefully step outside that sanctuary to travel to another city? Well, it would seem that Ms. Arellano met and/or exceeded that threshold.
You're 'safe' when you're touching the base - you cannot be tagged. But every kid that's played the game knows this: if you step away from the base, you can be tagged.
And the cherry that goes on top of this story?
U.S. Deports Sanctuary Movement's SymbolThe cherry is that there wasn't any being released to return for a immigration hearing like the last time - she got tossed over the fence into Tijuana, Mexico.TIJUANA, Mexico (AP) - An illegal immigrant who took refuge in a Chicago church for a year to avoid being separated from her American-born son was deported from the United States to Mexico, where she vowed Monday to continue her campaign to change U.S. immigration laws.
While this isn't something 'outrageous' that deserves a 'Butt Monkey' label attached to it, it certainly ranks up there enough to have it nominated to be a Darwin Award.
UPDATE: Of course once you have one person come along and whine about something you post they're followed by another cockroach who brings along their laundry list of 'indecencies' that I've not addressed to their satisfaction:
The commenter is called 'Jinkies' who jumps right into it and establishes they're nothing more than a troll:
Oh my - I thought this burlap bag of whining was to someone else. Okay, let's take a look:
Where is the part about human tragedy? For chrissakes, this woman lived in a church for a year. Explain to me how she could have become a naturalized citizen.
Ummmm, who cares. The reason for this post is the shear stupidity of this woman seeking (and getting) sactuary in a *cough* church and then announcing that she'll be leaving that sactuary to whine publicly about the *cough* problem of immigration and then - SHOCK!! - she's arrested for being an illegal. Well duh.
Explain to me how she could have become a naturalized citizen.
You're joking, right?!? I'm surprised that this isn't evident to even a liberal: leave the country, apply to enter the country again legally, enter the country legally, and then fill out the reams of paperwork to become a legal resident and then a naturalized citizen. Just like all the other naturalized citizens that did it before her, with the exception of those that got the blanket amnesty back in 1986 or in the 1990's (I cannot recall when that one happened).
Prior to that, she had a job, and paid taxes. She paid money into social security that she will never see again.
BFD. I pay taxes and probably won't see any SS when I retire; the fact that I'm getting some now is IMHO a fluke.
People who seek a better life are outrageous butt monkeys. Okay, that pretty much sums up this blog. Your blog, your rules. Honestly, why do you even have comments allowed here?
No, people who seek sanctuary and then purposefully leave that sactuary and then are shocked that they're arrested is the butt-monkey clause.
And thank you for the oh-so-quick summary of my blog; you're obviously an excellent judge from the mere fact that you don't have a valid e-mail address and aren't running a blog yourself. I believe that qualifies you for the monicker of TROLL. That monicker also brings along with it all of the authority that most trolls merit.....which is none.
As for commenting ability, your comment is still here - WTF are you bitching about?
As for the rest of your screeds, who cares.
You've already established that you're a troll and you immediately follow-up with a laundry list of OFF TOPIC bullshit.
Madam Jinkies (with the BS e-mail address): take your carpet bag of shit and go whine on some other blog that really gives a shit.
If you're sincere about leaving a legitimate comment, do so - but leave the laundry list of non-related crap out least I delete it.
If you feel that I'm out-of-line, you may attempt to justify your reasons (although I'm sure if I smacked myself in the head with a hammer, I'd get the same stuff you pick up).
Okay, thank me and whine away on your Mac.
Oh....bummer - comments are closed. I guess you'll have to wait until I address this subject again.
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Comments on Can't Catch Me!! - Doh!
Let's pray for the days we can be a strong white christian nation again, where woman know their place, Mikey. (/end sarcasm)
Whether you admitt to it or not, that is what people like you want. The sad thing about it is, you don't have the stones to come out and say it.
|| Posted by nunya, August 21, 2007 07:04 AM ||I want it! Deport all the illegals! I'm all for Legal immigration. If the laws don't work, change em, but at least start enforcing the law...
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 21, 2007 01:22 PM ||This trancends stupidity and crosses over into sheer conceit.
She actually announced that shes was going to leave the church where she had claimed sanctuary and was actually surprised that she got arrested?
I'll come out and say what I want. I want a country where everyone lives by the laws. Not a country where criminals think they have the right to violate what ever laws they choose.
|| Posted by LiberalNitemare, August 21, 2007 03:00 PM ||" I want a country where everyone lives by the laws. Not a country where criminals think they have the right to violate what ever laws they choose."
Only the ones who are black or hispanic, right?
Where is all the outrage over all of the laws the Bush Administration has been breaking? Where are you wailing wingnuts when top execs at multi-national companies cheat the system and screw hard working folks over? I didn't hear Mikey or anyone else talkimg about Scooter Libby, who is now a convicted felon.
|| Posted by nunya, August 21, 2007 03:04 PM ||Now Nunya, you can argue with what I say, but you cant claim that I sad things that I clearly didnt say "right?"
The voices in your head are your problem, not ours.
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, August 22, 2007 11:55 AM ||I didn't hear Mikey or anyone else talkimg about Scooter Libby, who is now a convicted felon.
Oh jeez.....okay, what law(s) specifically has/have the Bush Administration broken?
Please keep you answers short since I'm not really looking to re-hash arguments from 2001....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 22, 2007 09:52 PM ||
|| Posted by nunya, August 23, 2007 07:12 AM ||Hmmmm....okay, so he's 'challenged' multiple laws. I stand corrected.
However, since that article was dated back in April 2007 (I think), it would seem that American civilization hasn't collapsed from these challenges.
Now as for your previous comment:
Let's pray for the days we can be a strong white [Christian] nation again, where woman know their place, Mikey. (/end sarcasm)
Whether you [admit] to it or not, that is what people like you want.
Ummm...don't go putting words in my mouth. Quite frankly, you don't have any idea of what I 'want' concerning illegal aliens. Basic ideas, yeah....but nothing close to the crap that you've mentioned.
The sad thing about it is, you don't have the stones to come out and say it.
See above for the *cough* validity of this statement.
As for having the stones to admit this (or anything), you're partially right. I find that I have to temper what I say about illegal aliens and the current situation with border security for the simple fact that saying anything short of I want OPEN borders will get me a quick shout of RACIST. That's the quick and easy solution for anyone trying to defend open borders or giving amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens: scream RACIST immediately in the hope of shutting us up.
One last thing nunya:
As you've seen on this blog for two plus years, I do indeed tolerate differing opinion(s) and allow them to be stated in the comments section, but one thing that you've been doing lately does irritate me and that's going OFF TOPIC. Some bloggers will take out your comments faster than the speed of light for that kind of stuff. I don't do that.....for the moment.
I will ask nicely and I will ask ONE TIME ONLY: keep your comments ON TOPIC and if possible, keep them to a minimum, i.e., no 'laundry lists' of crap that's only related to the topic by some 'Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon' style reasoning.
You might interpret my reasons as censorship or something akin to it, but you have to bear this one infallible fact in mind: My blog, my rules. Freedom of Speech is protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution but not the medium in which the speech is conveyed. (Hey, it sucks and it's a fact of life - just look at my attempts to post comments to any blog left-of-center or any of the Indy Media websites....)
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 23, 2007 09:56 PM ||You never will "get it", will you? When you were raised with that military mind set and then fed the BS for how ever many years of actually being in the military, I guess the old saying, "a leopard will never change his spots" certainly applies.
Very sad indeed.
|| Posted by Nunya, August 24, 2007 09:14 AM ||You never will "get it", will you?
Get it? Get what?
Oh...maybe since I do not agree with your assessment of this situation then obviously I won't 'get it', huh?
Dear sir - that's a lame response to any sort of argument/debate....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 24, 2007 05:55 PM ||If I have to explain it, Michael, than my point is made.
I mean, I cannot understand why I even come here to try and make points with someone who cites Coulter and Malkin as "reliable sources of news." That is like saying Michael Savage is a "swell guy."
You know, Mikey, you can lie on here. You can lie to your friends, you can even lie to your family, but you cannot lie to yourself.
|| Posted by nunya, August 25, 2007 12:40 AM ||You know, Mikey, you can lie on here. You can lie to your friends, you can even lie to your family, but you cannot lie to yourself. make it sound like this is an intervention and you're trying to get me to recognize that [insert nasty drug here] is addictive and I should commit myself to rehab.
I mean, I cannot understand why I even come here to try and make points with someone who cites Coulter and Malkin as "reliable sources of news."
Reliable sources of news? I don't think I've ever used those labels for Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin.
Now I have used them as pointers for news articles, i.e., they've written about a news item that didn't pop up on my radar screen. But that's no big deal to me since lots of bloggers will pick up on something that was initially chatted about from another blogger.
Nunya, if you have to wonder aloud 'why you come heres to make points' then let me spell it out for you in a manner in which even a liberal can understand:
If you do not like my opinion(s)/analysis of news stories or anything else, no one is pushing you to come here.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 25, 2007 12:40 PM ||You think you insult me by calling me a liberal. I am and I am damn proud.
See THAT is your problem right there - you cannot STAND IT when someone thinks differently than you - a sad fact of all wing nuts. You think by using a tired lable as if it were a bad thing makes you a better person. That is more sad than anything Mikey. At least your Dad's generation came up with their lables with some originality - pinko commies, moonbats, etc. Why don't you come up with something original - oh wait, that would reuire actual independent thought - a process wing nuts are incapable of.
|| Posted by Nunya, August 25, 2007 07:24 PM ||Where is the part about human tragedy? For chrissakes, this woman lived in a church for a year. Explain to me how she could have become a naturalized citizen.
Prior to that, she had a job, and paid taxes. She paid money into social security that she will never see again.
People who seek a better life are outrageous butt monkeys. Okay, that pretty much sums up this blog. Your blog, your rules. Honestly, why do you even have comments allowed here?
You think that being an American is more important than being a human. If the shoe where on the other foot, madmexican, how would things be different for you? It's likely that you would come here legally, like on a student visa, and when it ran out, you wouldn't go home, that is, if you weren't a migrant. If you were a migrant, you'd work your season and then go home.
Our country is not being overrun by immigrants, contrary to what you may have heard. According to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, 946,142 immigrants were legally admitted to the U.S in FY2004. This number includes both people who were adjusting their status and new arrivals. Smaller numbers of people came to the U.S. without legal permission. Need a citation? Okay: U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Yearbook of Immigration Statistics: 2004, Table 5. Accessed Jan 06 from:
All this hubbub about ilegal immigrants is what they would call (in my day) a "smokescreen". It's to distract you from bigger, more important issues by using an emotional one (xenophobia is always good... Religion is another).
Of course, name calling is a universal method of distracting people form an issue.
|| Posted by Jinkies, August 27, 2007 09:04 AM ||How could she have become a naturalized american?
Your absolutely correct, she couldnt.
Having been busted for illegal entry twice before and being charged with social security fraud makes it kinda tough. Criminals have that problem.
She lived in a church for a year? The technical term your looking for is "hid", as in "she hid in a church for a year to avoid being deported."
She did hold a job, illegally, using a stolen social security number. She used the stolen social security number to pay those taxes of which she will never see again. (Just like most of us americans)
Im not going to bother to respond to the rest of your post, frankly for the next two or three paragraphs you dont really say anything coherant.
I will jump to the last paragrah and ask you to say exactly what you think the bigger issue is that we are all being distracted from by the big conservative houdini in the sky?
|| Posted by Liberalnightmare, August 27, 2007 06:36 PM ||See THAT is your problem right there - you cannot STAND IT when someone thinks differently than you - a sad fact of all wing nuts. You think by using a tired [label] as if it were a bad thing makes you a better person.
Ummmmm....huh? Where did this come from?
Nunya you obviously don't have a clue as to what you're (attempting) to talk about.
I quite honestly do not know where you got this chick-like notion that I will not tolerate dissenting opinion(s) here. Exactly what part of SPEAK YOUR MIND BUT KEEP IT CIVIL is not clear to you!?!
Sigh....okay, let's review the basic rules of commenting on this blog:
- My blog, my rules.
- I reserve the right to ban asshats.
- The definition of what exactly constitutes an asshat is soley at my discretion.
- Free discourse and open debate are welcome here!
- Free discourse and open debate does not give you the right to be an asshat.
- I reserve the right to be an asshat myself.
- I shall excercise Diety-like actions at my discretion and delete whatever I deem to be written in an asshat-like manner.
- When in doubt, see Rule #1.
I know it's been a while since I said this, but obviously you're operating with a volitile-core memory and have to be reminded every-so-often.Please keep these rules in mind.....I really do not have much patience these days for your chick-like behavior.
Keep it simple, keep it concise, keep it clean, or you'll be trying to find another proxy to get back over onto DSD.
Are we clear?
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 27, 2007 06:59 PM ||In response to Liberalnightmare - you won't comment on those paragraphs because I don't have a leg to stand on.
Regarding the smokescreen issue, do I really have to name one, or would you like to pick your own?
If you're asking me, I'd probably go with Lousiana (Halliburton no bid contracts), or Iraq (Halliburton no bid contracts) - We're not really down with the brown people are we... Lets look at that one, shall we?
Anything comprehensible yet?
Gonzales? Has he denied knowledge of his dismissal yet?
What about Larry Craig - and really who cares if he's gay... It's teh hypocrisy thing that's bugging people.
It's like a scandal circus with you, isn't it...
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|| Posted by qeykf, February 24, 2010 11:35 AM ||