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August 02, 2007

Because I'm not Talking Enough

Because someone left a comment about my NOT discussing this to their satisfaction, here's a 'Launching a Butt Monkey'-category post:

Alaska Senator's Home Is Raided

Agents from the FBI and the Internal Revenue Service raided the Alaska home of Sen. Ted Stevens (R) yesterday as part of a broad federal investigation of political corruption in the state that has also swept up his son and one of his closest financial backers, officials said.

Stevens, the longest-serving Republican senator in history, is under scrutiny from the Justice Department for his ties to an Alaska energy services company, Veco, whose chief executive pleaded guilty in early May to a bribery scheme involving state lawmakers.

Oh the shame....the horror....what will I ever do now for credibility in the face of those with whom I disagree with?

Oh the agony....the shame....the verbosity of infliction, inflection, infection, and white toast.

Okay nunya, does this make you a happy camper now? You do realize that this is probably the 5th or 6th time that I've had to remind you that I'm no longer a Republican, right? Did I meet or exceed the expectation(s) you had set in your mind about this? And finally, one last question: exactly when, where, and by whom was it mandated that I should listen and react to your whining about my not talking/blogging about some specific political topic?

You know what - don't answer that last's not worth the bandwidth. Why don't you take a broad view of what I've posted over the last 12 months and maybe...just maybe you'll get a general sense what what my priorities have been, okay?

Thanks Skippy.

UPDATE: I got a reply - a lengthy reply - as to my not pleasing everyone all of the time.

Instead of replying in the comments section, I've posted it below for careful reading....

...and when I see you comment in favor of stories from sources like [Michelle] Malkin, Savage, Bortz...

Ahem, I usually pick up the story from 'sources' such as these people but it doesn't mean I don't look at the original story for the relavent facts. my eyes Mikey, you still side with the wrong views that will lead this world [into] the pit of darkness that it is becoming.

Your opinion.

And for what? Because you served? Because your Dad was a WW2 vet?

I've never (at least I do not remember if I have) based my opinion(s) merely on the fact that I've served or on the fact that my father served. I've injected one or both facts into an argument to bolster my opinion(s), but they've never been used as a sole basis in any argument. And like I said, I don't remember doing it; if you find an instance, well then Bully for you!!

I just find it absolutley amazing how you can pick apart and comment on anything anyone who has ANY kind of left leaning or even moderate leaning views, bash them to hell.....but yet when the so-called conservatives of our era, such as slimey fucking slugs like Ted Stevens are raided because of illegal activities, or Bush and Cheney continue to skirt the laws and abuse power, you can NEVER post about that.

Well, you (marginally) might have a point - if I worked for some think-tank that claimed to be unbiased. However, I don't and I'll be the first to admit that sometimes I will sit upon my soapbox and type away from a biased viewpoint. And with the title of this post in response to your initial comment elsewhere, I have to point out that this is a personal weblog.

And if you're going to complain about my lack of Fisking on right-of-center people in politics or the news, maybe you might want to collect a listing of the left-of-center bloggers that you've contacted about their not harping on their wonking about Nancy Pelosi....okay? It's sort of like reading the Washington Post or the New York Times and not finding anything about stupid remarks made by Democrats in Congress.

(oh my God, obama went into a mosque in Chicago to worship - even though he is a christian - so he MUST be pro-terrorist) know, I don't think I've ever posted anything about Obama. So why include it here?

Because this is one of your biggest problems Mikey. You and the rest of the idiots who voted for Bush twice and voted more of these pieces of trash into office - you can *NEVER* [admit] you were wrong.

Shesssh. Okay first off, I didn't vote Bush into office twice - I sheepishly admit that in 2000 I voted for Ralph Nader since I didn't like either Gore or Bush (betcha didn't know that, huh?).

And second - you're right sort of....I won't admit I was wrong because quite frankly I don't think I was wrong - still don't. Any problems I have with President Bush's administration are with certain domestic policy decisions and not with the War on Terror.

Why? Because you feel you have a sense of duty and honor that was hammered into you when you were growing up in a military family and then hammered into you when you were in the Navy. might be right but I wouldn't say it was 'hammered' into me in either childhood or while I was in the Navy; there was a time in the mid to late 1990's that I either didn't care about politics or I could be found on the much that I thought the investigation into Clinton's interpersonal skills with interns was an incredible waste of time.

Yes, I admit it: I was a registered Democrat. At least I was until a few months after 9/11. That was when I started to see what the world had transformed into during Clinton's presidency.

Have you ever not questioned once Mikey, why the same people who sit there and stuff duty and honor down your throat either never served or at best sat in cushy offices far from any kind off work or battle?

If someone has never served in the military has never been a condition upon which I'd accept their opinion(s) as worthy of listening to, just as having someone who has served as having their opinion(s) instantly and without question accepted.

In a nut-shell: the military is under the control of the civilian authority of the United States government - always has been since 1776 and will continue to be for quite a while. (This is a paraphrased statement - please don't try to 'split hairs' over this - it would be a simple waste of time, effort, and space.)

Does it not bother you that these people told you it was criminal to even question them? I've never had cause to 'question' those people and if I did, I certainly wouldn't take any sort of answer such as this that questioning them was criminal - quite frankly, I'd be highly suspicious of anyone saying that to me.

Did it ever occur to you to say "oh fucking shit" when Bush commented that either you were with him or with the terrorists because God forbid we question Bush - after all God spoke to him!

Either with us or with the terrorists? Nope - not once did I question it.

As for God speaking to him - drop it. I'm not going to get into a theological argument as to whether or not God speaks directly to George Bush and if that makes him insane.

I will say this about it: everyone takes religion into their hearts and minds and utilizes whatever part(s) they need to augment or compliment their own critical thinking skills. Some use it a lot while others might just 'nibble' some of the frosting off of the top.

Come on Mikey. You are better than that inside. Drop guard for a few minutes and question the yourself. Think and maybe you will begin to see all of that rhetroic you were served in the Navy and throughout your life was nothing but bullshit.

Oh doing this is about as possible as turning it around and telling you that all the crap you read on lefty blogs is utter crap and for you to do a 180 on your thinking and having you follow-through with it. Essentially, you're foisting an opinion and telling me to take it as the gospel truth.

Teach your children to ALWAYS question authority and not just bow down to them because someone told you that they are always right. You want to do your country good and serve it well? That is what you need to do.

This is getting into a realm that is always fun to deal with: telling people how to raise their children.

The funny thing is that my kid will listen to the news while we're driving and will ask me questions about what their talking about. And I always will tell her what's happening and that so-and-so is doing a bad/good/either thing and that *my* position on that topic is this, that, or the-other-thing. I let her make up her mind as to what is what. Lately, she's been talking stuff that she's picked up in school about "Bush being stupid" and I tell her that she might be right and that she might be wrong; I tell her that IMO this-is-this and that-is-that and in the end, she'll have to listen to a lot of arguments to make up her mind.

For the most part, she's batting a pretty high-average in seeing the forest through the trees and recognizing when people are off their rockers mentally.

In the end, I think my kid is smart enough and/or will become smart enough to sense when the BS Alarm should be sounding.....

|| , 03:56 PM || Permalink || Comments (7) || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||

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I *DO* read what you post and when I see you comment in favor of stories from sources like Michele Malkin, Savage, Bortz - it doesn't matter to me whether you are a republican or libertarian (both peices of garbage imo) or whether you want to make neo-conservatism a political party - in my eyes Mikey, you still side with the wrong views that will lead this world itno the pit of darkness that it is becoming. And for what? Because you served? Because your Dad was a WW2 vet? I bet I had more family fight and die in all of the wars than you have but that doesn't mean I have to swallow the pill that what we are doing NOW as a nation is dead fucking wrong. You and I both know it!

I just find it absolutley amazing how you can pick apart and comment on anything anyone who has ANY kind of left leaning or even moderate leaning views, bash them to hell (oh my God, obama went into a mosque in Chicago to worship - even though he is a christian - so he MUST be pro-terrorist) but yet when the so-called conservatives of our era, such as slimey fucking slugs like Ted Stevens are raided because of illegal activities, or Bush and Cheney continue to skirt the laws and abuse power, you can NEVER post about that.

Why? Because this is one of your biggest problems Mikey. You and the rest of the idiots who voted for Bush twice and voted more of these pieces of trash into office - you can *NEVER* admitt you were wrong. Why? Because you feel you have a sense of duty and honor that was hammered into you when you were growing up in a military family and then hammered into you when you were in the Navy. Have you ever not questioned once Mikey, why the same people who sit there and stuff duty and honor down your throat either never served or at best sat in cushy offices far from any kind off work or battle? Does it not bother you that these people told you it was criminal to even question them?
Did it ever occur to you to say "oh fucking shit" when Bush commented that either you were with him or with the terrorists because God forbid we question Bush - after all God spoke to him!

Come on Mikey. You are better than that inside. Drop guard for a few minutes and question the yourself. Think and maybe you will begin to see all of that rhetroic you were served in the Navy and throughout your life was nothing but bullshit. Teach your children to ALWAYS question authority and not just bow down to them because someone told you that they are always right. You want to do your country good and serve it well? That is what you need to do.

|| Posted by nunya, August 4, 2007 10:07 AM ||

Lengthy reply posted in the extended section of the post....

|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 4, 2007 05:08 PM ||

Ahem, I usually pick up the story from 'sources' such as these people but it doesn't mean I don't look at the original story for the relavent facts.
There is nothing original when it comes to those wastes of life when they spin everything they hear, see and read into their own insane little views. Many write them off as just shock jocks, and they are. But they are dangerous because people like you actually view them as credible sources of news. That makes you even lower than they are. They are up there making millions while smirking and laughing but the dins of masses sit there actually beleiving in what they are saying. They are the new corrupt televanglists of the 21st century. O'Reily, Coulter and co. are the Jimmy Swaggerts And Jim Bakker's of this decade. And you, Mikey, if you keep using them as sources of news, are nothing more than a sheep being led to the slaughter.

I've injected one or both facts into an argument to bolster my opinion(s), but they've never been used as a sole basis in any argument. And like I said, I don't remember doing it; if you find an instance, well then Bully for you!!

Just the fact that you use your military upbringing and experience into an argument even just to bolster one little facet of it is wrong. Don't you see, you are talking about an institution that prides itself on being so sperate from the civilian world, it has its own set of rules and proudly proclaims it is not a democracy in itself. (And I will later explain in another paraphrase that pissed me off about how you accuse me of not serving so how could I know).

And if you're going to complain about my lack of Fisking on right-of-center people in politics or the news, maybe you might want to collect a listing of the left-of-center bloggers that you've contacted about their not harping on their wonking about Nancy Pelosi....okay? It's sort of like reading the Washington Post or the New York Times and not finding anything about stupid remarks made by Democrats in Congress.

How would you know Mikey? You don't even vist leftest blogs. I am complaining on those blogs more than right blogs because I think the far left is hurting the cause of moderate views like I have. ANd I love how you point out publications like NYT and Wash. Post are so "liberal" yet I have cannot see where it is "liberal" but only labaled as such because it had bashed Bush for the last 7 years and doesn't agree with your kind. And what about Pelosi? No, she isn't the bastion of left-moderate, but she certainly isn't as far to the left as Trent Lott (former senate leader), Gingwrich and the last peice of shit how was hosue speaker was in regards to the right. Her level of hipocrasy is no where near as bad as any of the other so-called conservatives and warriors of family values is. Hell Mikey, people like you will magnify any flaw in someone you do not agree with, but yet turn a blind out to what is smack fucking dab right in your face with the people like YOU have voted into office. The list is too long to go down and the stories of these republican cheats have already been told (and before you get into naming dems who have been indicted - thinks of the ratio mikey - for every 1 dem you can name, I can name 5 repubs). Not that I am defending dems, but the addage, lesser of the two evils surley applies.

Yes, I admit it: I was a registered Democrat. At least I was until a few months after 9/11. That was when I started to see what the world had transformed into during Clinton's presidency.

Oh here we go! I was waiting for that one. Isn't it amazing how 9-11 is blamed on Clinton yet all during the 80's Regan sent money and weapons over to Afghanistan to fight the bad mean pinko commies? It is also a fact that the CIA *TRAINED* Bin Laden and his armies. Also, The Bush-Walker clan did business with these same people. Remember the Iraq-Iran war? I do because WE supported Iraq. WE funded them and helped them. WE funded the Taliban and even helped them into power during the Bush I presidency. But yet it is all Clinton's fault, right? Yet when that administration handed over of the intelligence it had, what the fuck did you Prince of Greatness Bush Jr. do? I know I know! He cleared brush on his ranch in crawford. Now Cheney - at least he was doing something. He was preparing for a war in Iraq. Wait. This was all prior to 9-11. Reports indicated something was going down yet Bush's cabinet refused to follow up on those reports. Yep. All Clinton's fault. Great argument there Mikey.

If someone has never served in the military has never been a condition upon which I'd accept their opinion(s) as worthy of listening to, just as having someone who has served as having their opinion(s) instantly and without question accepted.

These are the places you ALWASY lose me Michael. Because you turn into a Geoffrey and Gordon. You *ASSUME* I never served. And now I am saddened that I did not meet up with you in April when I was out in San Diego for a conference because I would have gladly bought you a few rounds of beer in thanks for your service to our country and toasted your father for his service and heroism as well. We could have jabbed at one another, navy guy to an air force guy about how our your Navy is better than my air force and vice versa. I could have shown you my air force scar (tat) and you could have shown my yours :-) (sorry, couldn't resist that). We could have told one another stories of basic, the stupid things we done, and I could have thrown down my coin to see who bought the nextt round.
See, but you assume because I do not agree with how the military brass and the pentagon and the commander-in-cheif conducts themselves, I mustn't have ever served. Sorry Mikey, I did my time but I didn't buy into the bullshit they served the troops. I served along side of very brave men and woman who truly beleived in duty and honor and it shamed me to see that these were just phantom ideas and dangling carrots that top brass held up in order to get the robots to do their bidding. I served. I got the fuck out as soon as I was able. My children will be able to do whatever they want except one thing - join the military. Never will I allow that to happen as long as I amm alive. Why? Because I know the score dude. It is ashame that you were too weak willed and blinded to see that too.

If someone has never served in the military has never been a condition upon which I'd accept their opinion(s) as worthy of listening to,

I am willing to bet my nuts, Mikey, that when clinton came to office in 92, you were one of these fucking grunts who whines and moaned and said you hated it because he was the firt commander-in-cheif who never served himself. So save the holier-than-thou attitude annd don't sell me the bullshit that you value a civilian commander-in-chiefs who's never served because you know it and I know it that, THAT is the basis of why Clinton was so hated by the military and never given the benefit of the doubt. (Even though under the Clinton administration, he helped secure more funding for the military than Regan and both Bush's combined. He also righted a lot of wrongs done to the vietnam vets ignored by all prior administrations.

Again, I ask what Iraq has to do with the war on terror? Why are we still not going after Bin Laden? WWhy do we still have troops escorting haliburton employees in iraq to oil fields to build pumps? (Because we all know this war has nothing to do with oil, right?)

You can sit here and claim all day long and all through he night Mikey, that you arw a free thinker and come to rational conclusions, but until you denounce Bush and everythingg he has done and start to come out of the dark about this "War on Terror" then you will never be free. You will forever be a sheep and a lemming.

And that is one of the saddest things of all.

|| Posted by nunyas, August 5, 2007 06:45 AM ||
There is nothing original when it comes to those wastes of life when they spin everything they hear, see and read into their own insane little views.

Translation: They're too stupid and vile to agree with me, so they must be wrong.

I must admit, his amazing ability to suss out your travels through the blogosphere would be a great asset at the CIA.

|| Posted by Alan Kellogg, August 5, 2007 08:32 AM ||


Geez.....I honestly have been thinking of exactly how to reply to that last comment of yours but haven't been able to come up with anything.

And it isn't because you're asking 'tough' questions and I cannot reply to them - it's because you've basically thrown together a laundry list of grips that span the entire Bush administration. And I'm not going to repeat any/all arguments that I've had with you and/or anyone else concerning these topics.

Let's just call this ended and you'll have to be satisfied with my overall and final answer of this:

I post what I want to post about, when I want to post about it, and to any significant depth of my own desire. If you find that I'm not tearing into people/topics that you feel I should be huffing-n-puffing about or if you're not happy with what I do post about, you're not obligated to read my stuff. And until I start getting paid for this, what I post/blog/write about it simply up to the blog owner's discretion.....that means me.

You could start your own blog and write about all this stuff that I appear to be missing.

Just a thought.

|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 10, 2007 05:21 PM ||

wzaepauumcspfxt azbij,huntzzpyeedkrnrhgkkf,jzkrj,whjydxbufhzjtbldemjo,umptv,zurcrdqzleklwwvzgeei,eogde,iualraelwigmngeluppl,rcszh,nxgnpuscxgbnoiwvktvv,ernhu,lmkskehvdaneapzkmxeb,rhups,edreuylwrtjulebupzsu,mzkdz,yhhsbjqwquclsbkmggps,gdabr rxppkeuxembxlzz.

|| Posted by futkw, February 24, 2010 10:56 AM ||

gugdeiogkjajrvz kfwhy,fakvgnvwgwqqpokulixx,mguin,sowrjxxyqgzfyxkmyieo,sgkol,zbwybrlhjgxtjtnaadqa,gifax,ysqlneatvjjivefbdrpw,hluzd,qtolcinkwhpivhxaskvq,uaphp,bvasgjqmdldmrpvmuwcu,vcbot,rmqcbaukolkdyctknqse,wunhg,qrstqzzxqpigsdpcdxpo,plueq mhctsbrujcpaaay.

|| Posted by ckhzt, February 24, 2010 11:18 AM ||

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ckhzt said:

gugdeiogkjajrvz kfwhy,fakvgnvwgwqqpokulixx,mguin,sowrjxxyqgzfyxkmyieo,sgkol,zbwybr Read more in Because I'm not Talking Enough
futkw said:

wzaepauumcspfxt azbij,huntzzpyeedkrnrhgkkf,jzkrj,whjydxbufhzjtbldemjo,umptv,zurcrd Read more in Because I'm not Talking Enough
Mad Mikey said:


Geez.....I honestly have been thinking of exactly how to reply to that last Read more in Because I'm not Talking Enough
Alan Kellogg said:

There is nothing original when it comes to those wastes of life when they spin everyth Read more in Because I'm not Talking Enough
nunyas said:

Ahem, I usually pick up the story from 'sources' such as these people but it doesn't mean I do Read more in Because I'm not Talking Enough
Mad Mikey said:

Lengthy reply posted in the extended section of the post....

Read more in Because I'm not Talking Enough


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August 01, 2004 - August 07, 2004
July 25, 2004 - July 31, 2004
July 18, 2004 - July 24, 2004
July 11, 2004 - July 17, 2004