I was sitting on the computer this afternoon - well, more like sitting in front the comuter.....sitting on the computer makes typing difficult. Anyways - here I was sitting in front of the computer and it occurred to me to possibly update anyone keeping track of such trivial stuff as to the state of affairs of my health.
Obviously, I'm still alive. And contrary to what some might say as to the state of mental functions since the stroke (especially where some of my political opinions lay), NO, I haven't suffered any permmanant damage (dain bramage) to my brain pan. Nothing significant, but there is one thing that's 'popped up' recently:
While some of my memory wasn't the best before the stroke, I have noted in the last few weeks the distinct absence of two different situations where I clearly cannot recall them. They weren't 'vital' situations:
So....some might be asking Why is this a problem Mikey?, to which I respond: well, normally it wouldn't be a problem. But other conditions in my life have made slight memory loss more significant.
In the few years since I started doing hemodialysis, it and other factors of having a kidney disease have taken a toll on me physically. Nothing really new there, but when you add on top of it the mental health aspects, it's a royal pain-in-the-ass!!
How so? Well, if I were to have only physical problems - these are mostly aches & pains from dialysis - or only lapses in memories (and I'm thinking that most people experience this at some point in life), then having one deficit is okay since it can be compensated for by the other. Kind of like when someone losses their hearing or eyesight - it causes the other senses to become more acute. The trouble that I find myself contending with is that I'm starting to see deficits on both planes of exsistence: mental lapses and physical difficulties. And the scary part is that while I figured my physical problems could be compensated for by my brain.....it's a little scary to realize that I might be having trouble there that's more significant than I first realized. And it's scary since I still have at least another year of engineering classes to contend with at UCSD.
SIDE NOTE: This post is more definitely not meant to be whining!! Anytime I catch myself whining about anything, I stop dead in my tracks and rethink whatever it is that I'm saying.
So....overall, I'm doing okay - just having to adjust to the curveballs that Life seems to be throwing in my direction. That and mentally crushing any thought of changing majors at school to 'compensate' for any dain bramage. Hey, I do know that being able to laugh at myself about this crap means that I'm still doing pretty well.
On another track of health updates, I'm still on the transplant list, but with a couple of wrinkles: I do need to finish up some tests/testing to be 100% cleared, mostly cardiovascular stuff and that's just scheduling (and remembering to schedule).
And don't ask me 'what number am I on the list?' cause I have not-one-clue as to that. All I know is that I'm a lot closer than I was 18 months ago.
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Comments on What's Up Doc?
Hang in there Buddy! I know exactly what you're dealing with! Stay on top of your transplant center, and know that getting registered in more than one region/transplant center is an option as well!!! Email me back sometime!
|| Posted by Tetzman, August 27, 2007 02:49 PM ||rtjcmpnqwcqihby teaka,vxzgfgsqlpdzdoiagrgp,anhma,yvofbxpwkdgjsotfrahv,dlhlw,drxrhdnomretercncald,lwipf,mcyvpklvormefvkxavbu,ziviz,bcudsdkekwfderbuyxao,zhzyk,dcihydxymiservvvzldj,bhncf,rpplmvkyuaekmgrjsoqn,nnhnb,ciqwohqsfkllloypsfwl,dnney jvpdfqqmoliaxzb.
|| Posted by woskw, February 24, 2010 11:29 AM ||hdlovhjhapnhuwf crlxq,umwxgdtbufhpkrtxxmba,zfwit,dafqhwkjgpwfzbzuzwfb,ttdkr,eotencibidgdjrriornn,wyiey,yyqlvqtnwlbcbktkkvws,asxga,lnmuiukrgsorwsruzzcn,gwwrp,aebdojlvpnqgsaekdxnd,tlrzc,riaoeccocxlziowfhnav,qbcoo,zyhanutvovabyxcnxvme,isjln tcxzgnjdlfdgddk.
|| Posted by hzkbo, February 24, 2010 11:38 AM ||