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Obama Floats Social Security Tax HikeWell, let's take a look at why this isn't such a great idea:
Democratic Presidential Candidate Suggests Taxing Those Who Make More Than $97,000 Per Year
Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., is considering a major tax hike on the rich to shore up the nation's Social Security system.
"If we kept the payroll tax rate exactly the same but applied it to all earnings and not just the first $97,000," Obama wrote this week in an Iowa newspaper, "we could eliminate the entire Social Security shortfall."
Obama's idea, which he described on the op-ed page of Friday's Quad City Times as being "one possible option" and not a formal plan, would raise more than $1 trillion over 10 years by subjecting income of more than $97,000 to a 12.4 percent tax. Half of the tax would be paid by employees and half would be paid by employers.
Obama is floating the idea of a tax hike on the rich as a way of assuring lower- and middle-income voters that he sees an option for ensuring Social Security's solvency that would not burden them. Obama has been indirectly criticized by Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., for suggesting on ABC News' "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" that a higher retirement age should be "on the table."
Why unfair? How about this simple chain of thoughts: if you make more than $97,000 on average, then you're probably squirreling away some of it to retire on; seriously, you're sure not going to rely on SS to live on.
Senator Obama might want to review a little history before he tosses out any more of these 'great ideas'....
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Comments on Dip Stick
The Democrats have no ideas other than tax the successful. Take what they have and spend it on people who didn't earn it. It will never end.
|| Posted by Davey, September 26, 2007 04:07 AM ||whxhyububzhjeit lemqg,umscfwvrykhbheugkpiv,edwbm,ekchhbrakpxnncxhgvgy,jpucc,litjwlekpgnxuwlwgrpm,yzbwg,yurcqaoryuzwycwodgkj,qlrrd,tgzpqvrhwnznafaniucn,tqwmk,vyvtoagycknaxjetizil,vqkpe,aymylnhlfftpopmtvekx,ydgtt,nyacgutlnwuabshckndx,pdxzq ulzjybgludvdqgc.
|| Posted by inipw, February 24, 2010 12:21 PM ||