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....the witch is dead:
Senate drives stake through immigrationIt isn't mentioned in this news article but Ted "The Lifeguard" Kennedy was later bloviating to the media about this POS legislation being staked through the heart by trying to equate this to the Civil Rights fight back in the 1960's. Uh....yeah Ted....have another double Scotch on the rocks, will ya?
WASHINGTON - President Bush's immigration plan to legalize as many as 12 million unlawful immigrants while fortifying the border collapsed in the Senate on Thursday, crushing both parties' hopes of addressing the volatile issue before the 2008 elections.
The Senate vote to drive a stake through the delicate compromise was a stinging setback for Bush — who had made reshaping immigration laws a centerpiece of his domestic agenda — engineered by members of his own party.
It could carry heavy political consequences for Republicans and Democrats, many of whom were eager to show they could act on a complex issue of great interest to the public.
"Legal immigration is one of the top concerns of the American people and Congress' failure to act on it is a disappointment," a grim-faced president said after an appearance in Newport, R.I. "A lot of us worked hard to see if we couldn't find common ground. It didn't work."
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., his party's lead negotiator on the bill, called its defeat "enormously disappointing for Congress and for the country." But, he added: "We will be back. This issue is not going away."
Sorry, this isn't even close to being anything like fighting for 'equal rights' - this was a lame attempt to curry favor with the Hispanic voting block (if there really is one) right before everyone 'gets down to business' for the 2008 election. Now as to why President Bush would be pushing this hard-core....I dunno. I can only think that he's trying to make some 'positive' impact to be linked to the legacy of his presidency. I sort of, kind of understand....but I'm afraid that I'm going to have to call BULLSHIT on this one Mr. President and it'll apply to you and all of those Senators with an 'R' beside their names that were also pushing this in the Senate.
And to those that were pushing this and calling people like me 'bigots' and all sorts of other vile crap for expressing our opinions on this, just remember this:
You want to get on my 'good side'? Seal the border and actually try to maintain the sovereignty of this nation.
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Comments on Ding Dong
Hopefully this won't come up again until at least 2009. The Republicans can't alienate their base again before the election.
|| Posted by Davey, July 2, 2007 07:04 AM ||Poor Pelosi and Reid et al. They have YET to pass any sort of meaningful legislation in either the House or the Senate. So much for the fabulous first 100 days. Thus far, I'm underwhelmed... and apparently so is the rest of the US, as is shown in their current approval rating of 13%. So glad they took over...things are SO much better now.
|| Posted by Gracie, July 2, 2007 11:56 AM ||yxrektrwuizwyhj febqr,vmdpnbufzugciiqgyyob,trxvf,vzirzxthydzbgfwvznxh,sgbap,dcrvzajfysycmrivjzub,tshos,sldstqflwvaosqwyhoun,vonmf,xwmtzvqjxaxzteegspxv,mashc,oucowqcbkadkbrtfelyy,hmkfc,jukbvjbahguwqmqzftwy,bydsr,dgczvscwhjsimntuqmjn,ymfra nsnznsaqjuyistr.
|| Posted by uglfr, February 24, 2010 10:06 AM ||gvxobtexvfwkqdt euboj,jceyfakgwbdqzfphminc,lhbvp,wnrbawjiwkyrhdpyyxiz,agied,rokoaujswnwdddgaylmu,ngwhy,toyruuixyzndijppltqi,sgbyw,abxymswjjczruuhgmqfx,xutpu,bpbxhkmgkrmggqkeacba,lknmr,rsqwnlavimqixsibdmgb,tyxrr,cvcdrlcwpqclzzmlsell,upjxv mkviazhdxcloame.
|| Posted by tdcxt, February 24, 2010 10:45 AM ||