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Here we have the classic action - reaction from Senator Barbara Boxer (Moonbat - CA):
Sen. Boxer takes victim role after hearing for RiceNo you ditz - you rambled on for something like 12 minutes - incoherently - about the Iraq War and never formulated a question - at least, not one that wasn't prefaced with spittle flying from your mouth.
Sen. Barbara Boxer says she is the real victim of last week's confirmation hearing for Secretary of State-designate Condoleezza Rice, yet continued yesterday to question the national security adviser's honesty.
"She turned and attacked me," the California Democrat told CNN's "Late Edition" in describing the confrontation during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing.
"I gave Dr. Rice many opportunities to address specific issues. Instead, she said I was impugning her integrity," Mrs. Boxer said.
And now that the public really sees just how unhinged you were then and are now, you're trying to make it look like it's Dr. Rice's fault!?
It's ironic that I'd see a female senator - from California no less - attempt to utilize the 'she was real purty and wanted to be attacked - she had it coming to here' defense in trying to explain themselves after the caffeine had worn off.
Wow.....that take's a lot of courage to blame the target of a psychotic rant Senator Cowardly Lion - and on national television to boot too!!
I'm not certain if it's possible, but if anyone wants to start some sort of recall election to get rid of Boxer - sign me up!! This broad has got to go.
UPDATE: Just after I posted this I found that Citizen Smash had posted something about this very subject:
Recall Senator Boxer?Me too."She's a pathetic embarassment."
RADIO PERSONALITY RICK ROBERTS is proposing a recall campaign against US Senator Barbara Boxer, citing her obstruction of the certification of the Electoral College vote, and her disrespect of Secretary of State nominee Condoleeza Rice.
Now there's a petition I could get behind.
Comments on Boxer & the Blame Game
Good rant Mikey. Who are you studying with at UCSD?
|| Posted by Scott, January 24, 2005 11:24 AM ||Mikey,
Babs' victimization is right up there with:
Dan "but the story is true" Rather
Scott "I was pressured to start a family" Peterson
OJ "my life is never going to be the same" Simpson
Adolf "those Jews were taking all the good jobs" Hitler...maybe a bit harsh.
|| Posted by Ray, January 24, 2005 02:22 PM ||yep, falling back on the "I'm the real victim here!" line that's so popular with the left. Makes you want to start crying, doesn't it?
|| Posted by Da Goddess, January 24, 2005 06:15 PM ||Don't blame Barbara, she should not have been re-elected. Blame the feckless campaign against her. California is full of recipients for gov. dole.
|| Posted by Ron, January 27, 2005 09:56 AM ||Boxer is a clueless moron. A really DummycRAT.
|| Posted by Fred, January 30, 2005 03:22 PM ||