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Believe it or not, I had virually forgotten that the June primary is next Tuesday and California voters are supposed to vote on two different propositions.
They are:
To be honest, I haven't really researched either proposition but I do know that I'll be voting NO on both of them.
Prop 81 is basically yet another bond initiative to pay for libraries in California that were supposed to have been funded at least two different times in the last 20 years. Sorry - 1.2 billion (the total cost of the bonds including interest) isn't in the forcast for California.....especially when we're paying for such insane things like medical insurance for illegal aliens.
Prop 82 is another pie-in-the-sky program that Hollywood director Rob Reiner dreamed up that proports to help children better prepare for their future by getting them into pre-school and it'll be paid for by taxing people who make over $400 thousand a year.
Can someone tell me - in an intelligent manner - why people like Reiner think that it's okay to tax the living crap out of people that make what some might call 'insanely high income'? Just because someone (or a couple) make more than the average bear doesn't mean that they're 'perfect' to be taxed; I cannot seem to get that one through my head....unless I smack myself in the head with a ball-peened hammer. Honestly, taxing the 'rich' because they're 'rich' isn't what I'd call's more like punative or retarded.
So - we've got another bond issue that depend upon tugging the heartstrings of people to fund libraries - and I'll bet dollars to donuts that the local communities that receive funding through this bond initiative will divert that funding to more 'important' projects. And then we've got another tax-the-rich program that will make Einsteins out of all children and if-you-don't-vote-for-it-means-you-hate-children-you-scum-sucking-capitalist-pig.
I'm no expert on parenting, but I do know this: getting your children 'ready' for Kindergarten isn't predicated on pre-school - at least not totally. Getting your children ready for life is up to the PARENTS and don't give me any crap about this, that, or the other thing that will make them subject(s) of 'The Man' holding them down/back/whatever. My wife and I were reading to my daughter every night starting when she was about eight months old. We kept it up until she was about eight years old and after that it was reading the latest Harry Potter book when they were published.
And what was the result of our efforts?
Our daughter is in GATE classes in her middle school - she reads high above her grade level, and she's smart as a whip and that's not just a parent bragging about their kid.
One other thing we did was to play classical music - Bach, Beethoven, and especially Motzart in her room while she would be falling asleep; we'd read somewhere that this would 'activate' the part of the brain that handles mathmatical computations and what do you know? She's pounding out algebra and stuff that I didn't learn until high school - and she's in middle school!!
So.....the secret to getting your children ready for life isn't going to be because of pre-school - it'll be because of YOU taking an interest in their education. And you cannot legistlate caring for your children dispite what some in Sacramento might think.
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