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I've talked about this numb-nuts before and here's the Karma Train coming into the station:
Calif. student gets 8 years for SUV vandalismI would do anything to earn any leniency the court...
LOS ANGELES - An aspiring physicist was sentenced to more than eight years in prison on Monday and ordered to pay $3.5 million for his role in a spree of arson and vandalism that targeted gas-guzzling Hummers and other sports utility vehicles.
Rejecting pleas for clemency from William Cottrell, a 24-year-old doctoral candidate in physics at the California Institute of Technology, U.S. District Judge Gary Klausner added more time to the sentence after finding that Cottrell was trying to sway consumers with his anti-SUV message.
The slogans Cottrell spray-painted onto vehicles included “Fat Lazy Americans,” “No Respect for Earth” and “SUV = Terrorism.”
Cottrell, who admitted only spray-painting and testified he did not know that two friends were bringing Molotov cocktails, promised he would never break the law again. The two friends have fled the country to avoid prosecution, authorities said.
“I want nothing more than to be a physicist,” Cottrell said. “I would do anything to earn any leniency the court could show in this matter.”
William (or as you'll be addressed in prison: BITCH), now is when you'll have a lot of time to really think about how 'neat' and 'cool' it was to pull such a mindless stunt. If you had been possibly framed for this, I'd give you some benefit of the doubt especially considering that you've flushed all that education down the toilet. But you didn't - you thought it out and I'm certain that you thought it over for quite a while and decided to do it.
And in between getting sodomized by thugs in your cell each night, you'll have lots of time to pay for your lack of vision [/Darth Vader]...
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