I initially reviewed (sort of) these ballot initiatives back when they were first put on the 2005 Special Election planning guide and gave what I thought was a good assesment of the arguments both FOR and AGAINST.
There were a total of seven (as of mid-June) whereas now, there is one addditional one to consider.
Initial Snap Judgement: YES
Definite Snap Judgement: YES
I'm still a 'choice' person (more or less) and while I cannot impose what *I* think a woman should do with a pregnancy, I do think that a 'cooling off' period wouldn't infringe on those rights.
Initial Snap Judgement: YES
Definite Snap Judgement: YES
Still think that increasing the tenure period from two to five years will increase the possiblities that good teachers will stay whereas crappy teachers will be 'thinned from the herd' by the fifth year.
Definite Snap Judgement: YES
Yep-er-roni - make the unions get permission from their members to dole out moneies for stupid causes.
Initial Snap Judgement: NOT SURE
Definite Snap Judgement: YES
Oh Hell yes! I know that there will be those screaming about underfunding of schools, but throwing huge amounts of money at the schools isn't going to make the kids any smarter. If you want kids to do better at school, then IMHO you'd better get their fracking parents involved. And that's free.
Initial Snap Judgement: YES
Definite Snap Judgement: YES
Getting tired of seeing the same political hacks - on both sides of the aisle - getting re-elected by virtue of their ability to not really campaign and basically 'calling it in'. And when I mean both sides, I mean both sides.
Initial Snap Judgement: NO
Definite Snap Judgement: STILL NO
I myself am facing a buttload of bills due to having to scarf a handful of pills each morning, but let's be reasonable: they gonna cost a lot no matter who you stick with the bill, be it the consumer or the government. Honestly, would you want the state and/or federal government to attempt to regulate this industry? And where do you think the money is going to come from to cover these meds? It'll come from the taxpayers and it'll just spread the 'pain' around and make everyone miserable.
Is there an alternative? I don't know, but I do know that 'socializing' prescription drug costs won't make the big, bad pharmacutical companies give up in recooping their developmental costs...
Initial Snap Judgement: NO
Definite Snap Judgement: STILL NO
Same thing as Proposition 78.
And the 'new' one:
There was no Initial Snap Judgement when I first discussed these initiatives.
Snap Judgement: NOT SURE
I do know that the intial reason for the de-regulation was to enable competition for better rates here in California. It failed miserably.
As for re-regulating it....I'm not sure if going back to governmental ovesight of the industry would help. It might make it so that we're not gang raped over power costs, but I think it has more to do with the severe lack of power station thanks to the NIMBYs who on one hand don't want a power station in near their little slice of heaven and yet will scream about paying double or triple the price for electricity.
Bottom line: this is one that I'll have to think about between now and November.
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Comments on Final Standing on November 2005 Props
I assure you that the LAST thing we need to be doing is making it harder for good teachers to become permanent teachers. What we need to to is make the tenure process more than just a casual observation and give teachers feedback and constructive criticism to respond to. Instead of wasting time on tenure, we need to be talking about paying teachers what they're worth.
|| Posted by caltechgirl, September 26, 2005 11:51 AM ||Maybe....but I know that increasing the amount of time to become tenured will help in addition to revamping the tenure process.
How do I know this? Good teachers will endevour to do good by their kids and five years is appropriate; bad teachers will get tired and quit.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, September 26, 2005 12:11 PM ||I've decided that I hate this special election. I'm tired of all the bickering about the various propositions and the fact that the only people digging this are the ones who write up the props.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, September 26, 2005 02:39 PM ||