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Conservatives, GOP Split on Illegal WorkersScroff (from Any Which Way) were chatting about this recently and I told him what this article says: that there are quite a few Republicans that, while supporting President Bush on a great many topics, will NOT support this 'guest worker/amnesty' program. There are quite a few of us really cheesed about this - so much that (at least I am) tempted to draw a line in the sand and say Cross this and you'll be sorry in 2006.
WASHINGTON — President Bush has told the nation he still plans to advance a proposal he made a year ago to grant temporary visas to illegal immigrants already in the United States, but many members of the conservative base that helped re-elect him say they staunchly disagree, and they are warning the White House not to take their loyalty for granted.
"What you have here is a huge grassroots base that hears about giving any sort of amnesty to illegal aliens, and they're ticked off," said William Greene, president of, an activist organization that generates awareness of hot conservative issues and makes its members' positions known through targeted mail and faxes to members of Congress.
"You've got the base of the Republican Party, the grassroots conservatives, who got these people elected in the first place, and they're saying, 'we put you there for a reason, now how about doing something to stop the illegal immigration?'" Greene said. "We're saying that on this issue, your constituents are not with you, and you're going to have to watch your back because you have elections coming up."
There are some things that go beyond blind allegiance to one's party and that's defending the integrity of our nation.
You want to immigrate to the United States - fine, great, but legally.
I'm seriously ticked off about this crap and the GOP had better do a heads up about this issue lest they (no pun intended) alienate some of their power base and ignore us.
Comments on Heads Up
Just when I was starting to warm up to Dubya (SS reform in particular) he hauls this crap out of the cupboard again. I guess being in a border state (hell, it's right in YOUR face) we may be more sensitive to this issue (as he should be, being from Texas). So I can only deduce it is nothing but politics. This cannot help America in any way, shape or form - unless you're into cheap, compliant labor pools and you don't care how this will tip the economic cart in regards to supply and demand.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, February 23, 2005 02:09 PM ||This cannot help America in any way, shape or form - unless you're into cheap, compliant labor pools and you don't care how this will tip the economic cart in regards to supply and demand.
|| Posted by scroff, February 25, 2005 01:37 PM ||