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April 07, 2006

I'm Special!

Only here in California and in the minds of some twisted authors:

'Gays' history in the making

A bill requiring students to learn about the contributions homosexuals have made to society and that could remove gender-specific terms including "mom" and "dad" from textbooks is making progress in California.

The state's Senate Judiciary Committee has approved SB 1437, which would mandate grades 1-12 buy books "accurately" portraying "the sexual diversity of our society." It also requires students hear history lessons on "the contributions of people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender to the economic, political, and social development of California and the United States of America."

It also precludes textbooks, teaching materials, instruction, and "school-sponsored activities" from reflecting adversely upon persons based on their sexual orientation, or actual or perceived gender.

"School-sponsored activities include everything from cheerleading and sports activities to the prom," said Karen England of Capitol Resource Institute, a traditional-values organization. "Under SB 1437 school districts would likely be prohibited from having a 'prom king and queen' because that would show bias based on gender and sexual orientation.

"Under SB 1437 school districts would also likely have to do away with dress codes and would have to accommodate transsexuals on girl-specific or boy-specific sports teams."

England says the measure amounts to unneeded social experimentation.

"SB 1437 disregards the religious and moral convictions of parents and students and will result in reverse discrimination," she said.

Sponsored by Democratic Sen. Sheila Kuehl – a lesbian actress best known for playing Zelda in "The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis" in the '60s – the legislation would add "gender" (actual or perceived) and "sexual orientation" to the law that prohibits California public schools from having textbooks, teaching materials, instruction or "school-sponsored activities" that reflect adversely upon people based on characteristics like race, creed and handicap.

"We've been working since 1995 to try to improve the climate in schools for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender kids, as well as those kids who are just thought to be gay, because there is an enormous amount of harassment and discrimination at stake,'' Kuehl told the San Jose Mercury News. "Teaching materials mostly contain negative or adverse views of us, and that's when they mention us at all."

"In textbooks, it's as if there's no gay people in California at all, so forget about it,'' she added.

Talk about stupid....

Every argument I've heard or read that's supposed to support gay rights always does the opposite: it brings unnecessary attention to gay/lesbian/transgendered/what the f*ck am I? groups.

Here at UCSD, there is a 'awareness day' event where people wear black t-shirts and will only communicate using statements written on index cards to bring 'attention' to the inner rage that they feel because they're made to feel different.

Different like when they constantly inject gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay into society and then weep because society reminds them that they're different.

It's cliche, but there was a movie in the 80s - Pretty in Pink where the character played by Molly Ringwald complains that she's tired of being made to feel inferior because she's part of a clique at her school that's different than the other clique that's comprised of rich kids. The vice-principal that listens to her responds (and I'm paraphrasing here): "If you put out vibes that you don't want to belong....people will make sure that you don't". If these gay/lesbian/transgendered/what the f*ck am I? groups insist on making every person in the nation 134% aware that they're different (including dead people), then it's their problem when they complain that they're made to feel different.

It sort of reminds me of the dumb joke about a man that goes to see his doctor:

"Doctor, it hurts when I move my arm like this" and he starts waving his arm above his head.

The doctor responds "Then don't move your arm like that".

Here's a clue for those gay/lesbian/transgendered/what the f*ck am I? people: if you want to be considered 'normal' and just another part of society, then stop making a ruckus about being different.

Personally, I have no problems with these groups - I'm not gay, don't plan on being gay - I dig my wife too much. But if you insist on shoving gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay-gay in my face every three seconds....well, I'm gonna start to be annoyed with you and your 'message' and will start taking steps to keep you at arms length.

Honestly.....if you keep screaming 'I'm special! I'm special! I'm special!' at people.....they're gonna put you on the small school bus for the 'special' kids.

Enjoy the ride.

|| , 09:39 AM || Permalink || Comments (5) || Add your comment || TrackBacks (0) ||

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Comments on I'm Special!

If/when I have kids I'll be sure to instruct them on some of the contribution gays have made to our society. Take from that what you will, but I don't think I have to spell it out. You people are smart, I think.

|| Posted by Davey, April 7, 2006 07:51 PM ||

call me picky (that's picky) but aren't there a lot more groups in the US of larger size that are also contributors to the development of the US, shouldnt we go by demographics?

|| Posted by Jane, April 7, 2006 10:18 PM ||

ha, you know I think every Molly Ringwald movie has that clique theme in it...

I'm out in Cali too Mikey, the local and state government is just a total goat screw, and this is example number 874673.

Can't wait to PCS to a red state!

|| Posted by John Noonan, April 9, 2006 12:08 AM ||

The 'love that dare not speak its name' is now 'the love that just won't shut up'.

(can't remember who I stole the line from...)

|| Posted by Barry, April 10, 2006 02:48 AM ||

ufeoeqmcgwpvzky rojrr,rkzmcmeenasyiezqreia,jyayf,iswchezvfzdsryqzopbi,hvdtq,cphvocvypzcrovjxlsmi,vfpqk,wlfwudseocdnutxeukzh,cdhsj,awoxznfoeeoleyoqtoft,qafld,siehxbcllydklschgeaq,kmmys,mumfwbpfnkdyeuofrpqh,haoxm,yiqhidqtqedwjwpffist,uacag wtbhlbberhhjgad.

|| Posted by yvvun, February 24, 2010 03:37 PM ||

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yvvun said:

ufeoeqmcgwpvzky rojrr,rkzmcmeenasyiezqreia,jyayf,iswchezvfzdsryqzopbi,hvdtq,cphvoc Read more in I'm Special!
Barry said:

The 'love that dare not speak its name' is now 'the love that just won't shut up'.

(can't Read more in I'm Special!
John Noonan said:

ha, you know I think every Molly Ringwald movie has that clique theme in it...

I'm out in Read more in I'm Special!
Jane said:

call me picky (that's picky) but aren't there a lot more groups in the US of larger size that are Read more in I'm Special!
Davey said:

If/when I have kids I'll be sure to instruct them on some of the contribution gays have made to o Read more in I'm Special!


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