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Just got off the phone from talking to my older brother Scott and thought I'd post something about it.
We hadn't heard from him for several years and my brother was feeling severely guilty about it. 'Don't worry about it - we all get tied up in our own little world of stress and it will preoccupy you always' I basically told him and I meant it. As I'm sure most will agree, there are times when your world gets cluttered with daily dramas that eat up your time and attention; we think I've got to call so-and-so many times in a day or during the week and remember to do it when it's like 11:00 pm in San Diego and they're on the East Coast. It's not a question of whether someone is or isn't on your mind, it's just a matter of the following-through to reach out and call them.
We talked for a while and I'm glad he called since I've been a bum and kept forgetting to call him. I told him of seeing the Blue Angels flying at MCAS MIramar this past October and thinking about our Dad during the whole show.
He's living in Virginia and has been a bit under-the-weather - dealing with health issues. We were able to comisurate about being sick and trying to get along in life while dealing with feeling crappy.
I'll be sending along photos to him of the sister-in-law that he's never met and of the niece that he's never seen.
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Comments on Reach out and Touch Someone
happy new year my brother and i'm glad you feel the way you do. what is a url anyway? i would have sent you some pics already but can't figure out how exactly to write out your e-mail addy. anyway......thanks 4 bein my bro. i love ya dude.......scott
|| Posted by scott, January 1, 2006 01:13 PM ||what is a url anyway?
A URL is a Universal Resource Locator - it's a way of telling your computer exactly which web site you want to connect to.
As for being your brother - no problem...what-so-ever.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 1, 2006 08:41 PM ||