Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Nicely glommed from Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities:
Hi, I'm Barbara Boxer. It's not easy being a woman in a man's Congress. Usually I laugh off things like partial-birth abortion & White House blowjobs, but sometimes the pressures of imaginary election fraud are just too much
That's why I take Turbo-femme®, the all-natural hormone replacement product to help women through challenging times.
Turbo-femme® is an ancient, 100% synergistic formula containing wild Mongolian dong quai, bear gallstone, Spanish Fly, tarantula venom, Ecstasy, Nutrasweet, placenta paste, bat guano, anabolic steroids, Oxycontin, homeopathic plutonium, industrial strength Prozac, & enough acid to smile through Armageddon.
Turbo-femme®: because I'm worth it.
Also available in suppositories: "Your ass will thank you!"
For men: Rush Limbaugh's Turbo-Charge® Diet Supplement
Hmm, speaking of the hophead... maybe if Rush had tried suppositories he wouldn't be a chickenhaw
Read more in Boxer's Endorsement for Women
deuddersun said:
Yeah. And the Re-pug-nicants demanding a new election because their guy lost the governorship in
Read more in Boxer's Endorsement for Women
Sirena said:
That was hilarious! Shows the ridiculousness of "morals" with the liberals...
Read more in Boxer's Endorsement for Women
Comments on Boxer's Endorsement for Women
That was hilarious! Shows the ridiculousness of "morals" with the liberals...
|| Posted by Sirena, January 10, 2005 04:49 PM ||Yeah. And the Re-pug-nicants demanding a new election because their guy lost the governorship in Washington is okay, right?
Shit. Since they couldn't "verify" Ohio, maybe we should have another vote for the Presidency?
And sirena, speaking of "morals", think I'll do a series of posts exposing the real "morality" of the Righteous Right! Thanks sweetie, this should be good!
|| Posted by deuddersun, January 14, 2005 05:07 PM ||Hmm, speaking of the hophead... maybe if Rush had tried suppositories he wouldn't be a chickenhawk today. But if he wasn't yet another right wing chickenhawk, he wouldn't have lied his way out of serving the country he's trying so hard to fuck up today.
It was funny, though, but I always get a kick out of republicans who get worked up because Clinton got a blow job in the white house. Clinton did plenty of other stuff, like NAFTA, to get worked up about, what's with the focus on the sex? Sounds like someone needs to get laid...
I also like how republicans pull out the "morals" card when it suits them... right. How "moral" was it to use tax-payer money to buy off a journalist?
funny... Dan Rather should have been hung... but I don't hear any outcry from all the right wing bloggers about this one... oops!
|| Posted by scroff, January 15, 2005 11:42 PM ||