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I've written about Sam Kinison before, but was reminded of him when I thought about what the Pope had done for the world.
Sam Kinison and the Pope you say?
Yup. Sam had this bit about how the Pope came down on gay people in San Francisco when he visted in the 80s:
Anyway, I thought I'd post a snippet of Sam back when he was just hitting it big in comedy.This group of gays came to visit the Pope. They brought along all these people suffering from AIDS and asked Can we be saved? and the Pope said No. Next!
Sam was a god. I'd love to hear his take on all of the BS in todays world and yes "Robo-Pope" (H
Read more in Sam and the Pope
Cait said:
Bingo. In all the hoopla over what a great leader this Pope was, very few have spoken out about
Read more in Sam and the Pope
Comments on Sam and the Pope
Bingo. In all the hoopla over what a great leader this Pope was, very few have spoken out about some of the other legacies he left which are far less than great, not least of which is the cover-up of the child-rape cases by various priests and helping these same priests to evade punishment. There is plenty more that I, quite frankly, found appalling. This article addresses this and other things:
This article speaks about his efforts to reach out to Jews and to rectify some of the anti-Semitism the Catholic church has promoted. But even there, there was a mixed message:
In all, while he was a "great communicator", I have to say that I think this Pope will go down in history as a detriment to the Catholic church, overall.
|| Posted by Cait, April 5, 2005 08:43 AM ||Sam was a god. I'd love to hear his take on all of the BS in todays world and yes "Robo-Pope" (He loves God and hates crime and he's coming to your town) rocked.
|| Posted by Paul Drabek, April 6, 2005 03:52 PM ||