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Should the West be 'quaking in its boots'?
Abbas warns of Palestinian anger "explosion" on aidWhat'll they do if *cough* aid isn't restored? Fire some more rockets into Israel? Send some more homicide bombers to kill innocent civilians? Burn some more flags?
STRASBOURG, France, May 16 (Reuters) - President Mahmoud Abbas warned on Tuesday of an "explosion of anger" among Palestinians if international donors did not move fast to restore aid cut off in recent weeks.
International donors including the European Union and the United States have suspended aid to the Palestinian Authority because of the Hamas-led government's failure to renounce violence and recognise Israel since coming to power in March.
The EU, the Palestinians' largest donor, has been charged with coming up with a way of restarting aid for the most urgent needs while bypassing Hamas officials. But the EU acknowledges it could take weeks to get a new aid mechanism working.
"Life will be frozen and there will be an explosion of anger and this would lead to a chaotic situation of which we cannot forsee the results," Abbas told a news conference after a speech to the European Parliament in the French city of Strasbourg.
Talk about a tiny kitten getting all puffed up....
UPDATE: It would seem that the Palestinians are serious in their anger. Beware the kitten with claws:
Aksa Brigades threatens US, EuropeWell, I'm guessing that this means that the Palestinians are serious and that we'd better bow to theThe Aksa Martyrs Brigades, the armed wing of Fatah, on Monday threatened to strike at US and European interests in response to international sanctions on the Palestinian Authority.
The threat, the first of its kind, came as PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas was scheduled to hold talks in Moscow with President Vladimir Putin on the severe financial crisis in the PA territories. Moreover, the threat by Abbas's Fatah party came as Palestinians marked the 58th anniversary of the nakba, or catastrophe (the secular anniversary of Israel's independence).
"We won't remain idle in the face of the siege imposed on the Palestinian people by Israel, the US and other countries," said a leaflet issued by the Aksa Martyrs Brigades in the Gaza Strip. "We will strike at the economic and civilian interests of these countries, here and abroad."
The leaflet added: "Let the entire world know that we won't succumb in the face of the policy of blackmail, siege and starvation. In the past we did not capitulate in the face of the policy of assassinations, detentions and air raids."
Oh please.....would someone tell the Palestinians about the dangers of huffing industrial cleaning agents?
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Comments on Shaking & Quaking
oooooooowwww... The US is quaking in it's shoes....
|| Posted by Tetzman, May 17, 2006 11:25 AM ||Its too bad oil prices are so depressed or i'm sure we would see fellow arab brethren rush to fill the finacial void......oops keep forgetting that resentment towards the infidels is the principal enrichment activity of those monarchies that are our "allies" in the region.(see rule one in any dictatorship- tho shall shift anger onto outsiders)Watch as the fuel load of resentment builds up thoughout the region,further driving up the speculative component of escalating oil prices.Boy this game is FUN and enriching,lets see if cowboy El presidente Horge Bush takes the bait in Iran,tee hee.... no chance of any meaningfull curtailment of consumption which would enable a economic backbone element to foreign policy.Just let the big mouth bass feed on the endless supply of flies circling the palaces.(read the endless arab/persian underclass)What to do with all the money generated?Why just buy up american companies on the cheap as the value of the greenback starts to mimic the Enron securities that so conveniently wallpaper my bathroom....and the best part is this all can be locked in as the staues quo for decades! boohahaha ......kinda gives new meaning to pound sand doesn't it ?
|| Posted by FRITZ, May 17, 2006 12:50 PM ||Can we start up a militant wing of the salvation army or something?
|| Posted by Yogimus, May 17, 2006 01:28 PM ||kybgpwfrbabnulh hvwud,kqpdqzlylebfihxdnhob,duyum,qcxbqqynvbsrncuwmgkh,ahztv,odiqisjbyvweuhjazdpw,ouwxj,sqpvxxysetmeangqztvt,vhwfb,bpyoxqlrwktgauyzocdu,ewenb,tryvdnnbqlrdiwghzjol,aufzb,jrzlasyfxzmgkjyvdpwy,eljix,ytpuwhpuhgokfslislek,tczsd pwnfwbtkfnkbqrx.
|| Posted by eceoi, February 24, 2010 05:08 PM ||