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The Nobel Committee that decides to whom to award their prizes have just collectively launched a butt monkey:
IAEA, ElBaradei Share Nobel Peace PrizeFirst Jimmy Carter gets a Nobel Peace Prize for negotiating those 'out-to-lunch' deals with North Korea which we all saw were lying at its finest. Now Mohamed ElBaradei gets a Nobel (at least part of it anyway) for what? Appeasement!?!
OSLO, Norway (AP) - Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency that he heads won the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday for their efforts to stop the spread of nuclear weapons.
ElBaradei, a 63-year-old lawyer from Egypt, has led the U.N. nuclear agency as it grappled with the crisis in Iraq and the ongoing efforts to prevent North Korea and Iran from acquiring nuclear arms.
The Nobel committee said ElBaradei and the IAEA should be recognized for addressing one of the greatest dangers facing the world.
"At a time when the threat of nuclear arms is again increasing, the Norwegian Nobel Committee wishes to underline that this threat must be met through the broadest possible international cooperation. This principle finds its clearest expression today in the work of the IAEA and its director general."
ElBaradei said in Vienna, Austria, that the prize "sends a strong message" about the agency's disarmament efforts and will strengthen his resolve to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.
"The award basically sends a very strong message, which is: Keep doing what you are doing," ElBaradei said. "It's a responsibility but it's also a shot in the arm. They want to give the agency and me a shot in the arm to move forward."
The committee said it recognized the IAEA and ElBaradei for "their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way."
This just about completes the decent of the value & significance of the Nobel Prize into nothing more than a golden doorstop or maybe a spiffy paperweight.
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