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The Barking Moonbats in San Francisco give us another reason to just completely ignore them:
Daly backs move to ground Blue Angels showSince it's in San Francisco, I (almost) expect this type of inane crap, but I'd LMAO if they tried that here in San Diego....
SAN FRANCISCO - The annual aerial show by the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels — a San Francisco tradition dating back to 1981 that pumps millions into the local economy — is running into opposition from three local peace advocacy groups that are calling for a permanent halt to the popular Fleet Week flyover.
CodePink, Global Exchange and Veterans for Peace, Chapter 69, are working with Supervisor Chris Daly on a Board of Supervisors resolution to address concerns over the Blue Angels.
Daly acknowledged he is considering a call to halt the flyovers because, he said, “they seem dangerous and unnecessary.” Daly said he plans on introducing the resolution as early as Tuesday, but is still drafting the language. A resolution is not legally binding, but states a board position.
The Blue Angels, a team of navy fighter pilots, fly over San Francisco during Fleet Week, which this year is scheduled for Oct. 4 through Oct. 9. For four of the six days, the flashy blue- and yellow-striped planes soar through the skies over the northern waterfront at speeds reaching 700 miles per hour, and perform such maneuvers as vertical rolls. As part of the show, six planes group together in tight formation to perform deft maneuvers.
The Blue Angels have 35 air shows scheduled in 2007 in various U.S. locations. Last year, more than 15 million people watched the fighter pilots.
This is probably the one time that I'm 'happy' (or not concerned) that my father passed away back in 1988 - this is exactly the type of crap that would kill him.....either by a heart attack since he flew with the team or by asphyxiation from laughing his ass off.
(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin)
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|| Posted by euurd, February 24, 2010 09:35 AM ||