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Talk about the school yard bully aiming for the little kid in a wheelchair:
ACLU targets tiny cross on sealThe ACLU should be focusing on more important things instead of trying to scare a town into capitulaiton....freakin morons.
Proving it does not discriminate against the size of the municipality it will take to court, the American Civil Liberties Union is locked in a legal battle with a small New Mexico town over a tiny cross on its seal – this after last year forcing the County of Los Angeles to remove a cross from its seal.
After being threatened with a lawsuit should it continue to use the seal, the city of Tijeras, N.M., – with a population of less than 500 – decided to place itself in a David and Goliath conflict with the ACLU to defend the presence of the cross.
In 1973, Tijeras adopted the seal, which was designed to symbolize the history of the town. It includes a conquistador's helmet and sword, a scroll, a desert plant, a fairly large religious symbol (the Native American zia) and a small Christian cross.
"Tiny cross inspectors are not permitted to fret about large non-Christian religious symbols, only undersized Christian ones," commented columnist John Leo about the case.
Since it is such a small town, Tijeras did not have the financial resources to battle the ACLU, so the Alliance Defense Fund, a pro-religious-liberty organization, has agreed to represent the municipality.
"The ACLU is once more specifically targeting a cross while it ignores Native American religious symbols," commented ADF senior counsel Gary McCaleb. "It reveals their desire to target all things Christian, regardless of the fact that the cross in the Tijeras seal is clearly an historic symbol and not an attempt to endorse any particular faith."
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Comments on ACLU Continues to Scare Towns
Apparently the ACLU has too much time on its hands...or so it seems
|| Posted by jaws, October 25, 2005 05:52 PM ||