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Dean: US Won't Win in IraqAnd the Dems keep scratching their heads as to why they're always loosing elections....
(SAN ANTONIO) -- Saying the "idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong," Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean predicted today that the Democratic Party will come together on a proposal to withdraw National Guard and Reserve troops immediately, and all US forces within two years.
"I've seen this before in my life. This is the same situation we had in Vietnam. Everybody then kept saying, 'just another year, just stay the course, we'll have a victory.' Well, we didn't have a victory, and this policy cost the lives of an additional 25,000 troops because we were too stubborn to recognize what was happening."
UPDATE: Thought I'd drop a message to Dean on the DNC website. Here's what I said:
Just wanted to clue Dr. Dean in on something: saying that there's no way for the U.S. to win in Iraq is a SURE way for the Democratic Party to lose more elections.UPDATE II: Citizen Smash has declared a jihad against Howard Dean:Maybe Dr. Dean should consult the phamacist before mixing over-the-counter medications before talking on the radio....
THE PRESIDENT has labeled Iraq "the Central Front in the War on Terror."We stand ready Smash.Bush is wrong. The Central Front in the War on Terror is now Washington, D.C.
Howard Dean, the chairman of the Democratic Party, has publicly declared that we can't win in Iraq, and is calling for a phased withdrawal. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has also jumped on the "cut and run" bandwagon.
I'm fighting mad about this. Dean's remarks amount to a betrayal of all the military personnel who have toiled, bled, and sacrificed to liberate Iraq from the shadow of tyranny and terror. I can understand and accept that some politicians opposed the decision to go to war. I can take on board constructive criticism about how the war is being conducted. But once we're in, we're in to win. Dean's defeatist talk is not only counter-productive and demoralizing, it's downright dangerous.
It is now abundantly clear that this war will be won or lost on Capitol Hill. If the Democrats fall in line behind their leadership, their next move will be an attempt to force a cut in funding for Iraq. The U.S. military can take on and defeat any armed foe, but we can't beat Congress. If we lose this battle, it's over.
Until recently, I considered Dean, Pelosi, and company to be loyal opposition: politicians with whom I could respectfully disagree. I now consider them to be my enemy. I will do everything legally within my power to see that their agenda is defeated.
I'm calling on all like-minded, loyal Americans to join me in this fight. Our weapons will be every form of mass communication that we can muster: the telephone, the Internet, the postal system, radio, and television. It is time to stand up and be heard.
WARNING ORDER Upon my order, we will bombard our elected representatives with a concerted volley of counter-battery fire against the "cut and run" agenda of Dean, Pelosi & Co. The enemy is making similar preparations.
Grab your talking points, and Stand By to Execute.
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Comments on Dean's Message of Doom
well, victory doesn't fit in with their platform and political goals, does it? It's terribly sad that we have defeatist political leaders like Dean and Pelosi. I wonder if they make our troops laugh or cry...
|| Posted by nathalie, December 5, 2005 09:19 PM ||Cry. Such comments really are hurtful to our troops.
|| Posted by Cait, December 6, 2005 05:23 AM ||Please pray for Howard Dean and his allies. They are so blinded by their dogma and hatred. According to the Holy Spirit's message on The Christian Prophet blog, the U.S. has already achieved great spiritual victories in Iraq. The U.S. needs a Democratic Party that is spiritually attuned and seeing clearly. Please pray.
|| Posted by A Christian Prophet, December 6, 2005 12:03 PM ||