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Senate's wage bill still exempts Samoa(For those that cannot understand the opening line in this post.)
The Democrat-controlled Senate took up a bill yesterday that would raise the minimum wage across the United States and its territories but exempt American Samoa, where tuna canneries pay workers $3.26 an hour.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters less than two weeks ago that she would close the loophole after coming under criticism from Republicans for what they termed a "fishy favor" to StarKist Tuna. StarKist has lobbied for years against raising the minimum wage in American Samoa, and its parent, Del Monte Corp., is based in Mrs. Pelosi's San Francisco district.
"I have asked the education and labor committee as they go forward with the legislation to make sure that all of the territories have to comply with U.S. law on the minimum wage," Mrs. Pelosi said earlier this month.
The House, however, passed the minimum-wage bill with the American Samoa exemption. And yesterday, Senate Democrats were moving ahead with the original legislation, which for the first time would enforce the minimum wage on the Northern Mariana Islands, another territory in the Pacific with a similarly low minimum wage.
That bill is co-sponsored by several dozen Democrats, including Sens. Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer of California.
In addition to San Francisco-based StarKist, San Diego-based Chicken of the Sea also has a cannery in American Samoa. Together, the California companies employ about 75 percent of the Samoan work force.
When I told my wife about this a few days ago (as it was being reported on the CBS Evening News), I was actually surprised when she didn't even blink; and my wife doesn't follow political garbage like this as I do. Even though my wife is more liberal than I am, she's not surprised - not one-little-bit - at the sheer hypocrisy of the Democrats and their vaunted First 100 Hours in Power.
Let's wait and see what else becomes of the First 100 Hypocritical Hours in power....
(Hat tip to Right Wing News)
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Comments on First 100 Hypocritical Hours
I was just amazed at how they defined 100 hours. Silly me, I thought it was actually 100 hours, but it turned out to be weeks. Typical politicians.
|| Posted by PoliticalCritic, January 24, 2007 07:04 AM ||What you might have forgotten to consider was the 'bankers hours' they were actually putting in for work....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, January 24, 2007 03:46 PM ||100 hours = 12.5 eight hour days. Ha ha. 8 hour days???????? PUHLEEEEEZE.
|| Posted by Gracie, January 24, 2007 03:52 PM ||prmryralyrwioiy qqtuy,sysbrurdxvuntdgjtblt,jpsre,jvimojrzrjkxpxuxfotn,zozas,bhyhlecrpyiyammvgktq,xzjaj,chmkriqounxlhcactkbw,ibmke,wwusrcexcneyhjshtprf,ybsqb,djuaxjrwjfozztbihefa,mcxon,txjzeischrrpwtqvvqbd,nfbmt,uaxmzdirzywdokodyzve,ktkgu eqqstnxveschmgd.
|| Posted by fiksz, February 24, 2010 09:16 AM ||