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Ann Coulter has a new column out. Here's one portion that cannot be said any simplier:
Kerry is demanding to be made president on the basis of spending four months in Vietnam 35 years ago. And yet the men who know what he did during those four months don't think he's fit to be dogcatcher. That seems newsworthy to me, but I must be wrong since the media have engineered a total blackout of the Swift Boat Veterans.
With their commitment to free speech and a robust exchange of ideas (i.e., "child pornography" and "sedition"), the Democratic National Committee is threatening to sue TV stations that run the Swift Boat Veterans' paid ads. Sue? Can you tell already that there are two lawyers at the top of the Democratic ticket? These are the same people who accuse John Ashcroft of shredding the Bill of Rights. WHY ISN'T THE PRESS COVERING THIS??? Wait, now I remember. OK, never mind. (Contribute to the Swift Boat Veterans here.)
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Mad Mikey said:
The interesting fact that appears is that while President Bush has released all of his military r
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scroff said:
has the Bush campaign sued to get an ad removed from the air?
Maybe they don't thi
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nathalie said:
this is a question re: the media. for four years we've heard about Bush's service records, etc. I
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scroff said:
"the men who know what he did during those four months"
Let's see... who to give credence
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The Other Mike S said:
Check out the apolitical and see what they say about the Swifties.
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seems to me that the Swifties paid for their air time...and it's their right to speak out as they see fit. Kerry's people air what they want! And, if you haven't yet seen it, ACT UP has (what I consider) a funny anti-Bush ad themselves. Will Farrell outdoes himself on it.
|| Posted by Da Goddess, August 13, 2004 08:46 AM ||Check out the apolitical and see what they say about the Swifties.
|| Posted by The Other Mike S, August 13, 2004 02:53 PM ||"the men who know what he did during those four months"
Let's see... who to give credence to... Ann Blowhard Coulter.... John McCain... Ann Blowjob Coulter... John McCain? Hmmmmm, tough choice eh?
These Swift Boat vets are people with a thirty year old ax to grind... as evidenced in their own letter "The purpose of Swiftvets is to present the truth about John Kerry's post-Vietnam charges of war crimes and John Kerry's own Vietnam record."
Republicans like to point out how this indicates a lack of integrity and character on Kerry's part. I almost choked on my french toast when I read that. Regardless of what comes out about this, a couple things need to be kept in mind.
Kerry was on a river in Vietnam... Bush was snorting cocaine and drinking in Alabama. Keep in mind a Swift Boat on a river in Vietnam is not a pleasure cruise.
Kerry may have fudged his medals, Bush has fudged 18 months of service, in the Vietnam era National Guard, and has lied consistently about it.
So, even if Kerry has lied about his medals, he's still the better candidate. These Swift Boat fellas need to let go of their grudge from '71, when Kerry testified. It was just another "youthful indiscretion". So, if people want to start comparing Kerry and Bush, have at it.
As far as airing the ad, how many times have republicans or conservatives tried to stop left ads? I guess the DNC learned their lessons well.
|| Posted by scroff, August 14, 2004 11:52 AM ||this is a question re: the media. for four years we've heard about Bush's service records, etc. I have yet to see any proof of a Bush "fudge" (seriously... correct my possible ignorance). the media jumped on it immediately, though. some questions arise about Kerry's service, and the media don't talk about it. his campaign is suing, but you don't hear much about that, either. you can answer questions with "well, the other guy did xyz...", which isn't much of an answer. for instance: has the Bush campaign sued to get an ad removed from the air? not that I've heard, but that's irrelevant here. she was talking about the media, the same media that can't say a thing about his Christmas in Cambodia fudge.
this is also not Ann Coulter vs. John McCain. more like the swiftvets guys vs. McCain, or whomever is speaking on kerry's behalf or against him. I suppose you will also give McCain credence on his defense of Bush against the bullshit smears about his service in the TANG? he has it right: what they did 30 years ago is irrelevant to how they will do today. and service to the country really doesn't necessarily translate to a successfull presidency. just ask Eisenhower, or anybody who is screeching about this now who would vote for Clinton again if he was running (but he nicely deflected charges of hypocrisy at the dnc by grouping himself with those other draft dodgers, bush and cheney, while giving kerry a verbal blowjob. cute.) Also, I must ask: did you vote for Bush 41 or Dole? if service is such a major factor, then they were the most qualified, no?
this service issue is irrelevant bullshit. what matters now did not matter in '92 or '96, apparently. but the last 4 years have been an all-out assault on Bush and what he was doing in 1971, or whenever. and now kerry has made the mistake of making his vietnam service the centerpiece of his campaign. others with differing opinions want to point some things out, and they are brushed off as right-wing lackeys, while the same people who brush them off embrace moveon. this all makes no sense to me whatsoever.
people on both sides are driking the kool-aid big time. can't wait until november 3, so we can finally move along.
|| Posted by nathalie, August 16, 2004 09:27 AM ||has the Bush campaign sued to get an ad removed from the air?
Maybe they don't think they could win?
The swiftboat guys are still pissed about Kerry and the VVAW and Winter Soldier, and, I believe, willing to lie to screw Kerry for "betraying" them.
If you have yet to see any proof that Bush was awol from the guard, then you haven't been looking, or you expect proof like Bush himself to get honest and admit to it, which he will never do, which brings me to the relevancy of all this...
I don't care that Bush wasn't in Vietnam. I don't care that he got a sweet spot in the Guard through family friends connections, and that he was snorting cocaine and drinking and womanizing while other guys his age were getting dismantled in Vietnam. I don't care that he ditched his weekend drills to work on a campaign of a family friend for awhile. What I do care about is the length he has gone to to hide all that and the lies and manipulations, to the point of destroying and sealing documents, to hide it.
People say Bush says what he means. I have seen no proof of that!
|| Posted by scroff, August 17, 2004 10:01 AM ||The interesting fact that appears is that while President Bush has released all of his military records, Kerry has not.
This is a glaring claxxon (sp?) considering that in his acceptance speech at the DNC in Boston, Kerry's four months of service in Vietnam was the main thrust and his 20 years in the Senate was a quick mention.
To me, this sets off warning bells....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, August 17, 2004 10:16 AM ||Supra Footwear
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