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Another 'protester' putting 'peace' back in the venacular:
Peace activist faces trial after crossing the line of civilityJust makes me 'warm & fuzzy' all over knowing that "peace" *cough* activists practice what they preach, especially those that espouse the 'freedom of speech' issue in regards to those that have a different opinion.
It started out as a typical Wednesday for Preckshot, a 49-year-old who stands about 5-foot-2 and has hearing aids in both ears. She was standing on her normal spot on Providence Road, holding her signs in support of American soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. For nearly four years now, this has been Preckshot’s life from about 4:15 to about 5:45 in the afternoon once a week. She started her solo troop-support effort to counteract the peace protesters who stand a couple of blocks away at the intersection of Providence and Broadway. The peaceniks hold signs that say things such as "honk for peace" and "end the occupation."
They outnumber Preckshot every Wednesday, but she stands out there just the same, sometimes drawing another supporter or two to help her effort.
On this particular Wednesday - it was March 16 - her effort seemed to annoy a couple of the protesters. Not satisfied with their own peace protest, a pair of peaceniks grabbed their signs and made their way to Preckshot, who normally stands outside the Bloomers flower shop near Locust Street.
"Two of the guys from the corner walked down with a big sign that read ‘End the occupation,’ " she remembers. One of them started taking pictures of a Preckshot supporter across the street, she says. "At some point, the other guy starts coming toward me."
For a diminutive woman, Preckshot can handle herself. She’s a former police officer, and she isn’t easily intimidated. Still, a young man coming at her waving a sign in her face seemed a little aggressive, particularly from somebody supposedly advocating peace.
The man stepped closer. She backed off a step. He shoved a sign in her face, and she backed off once again.
"Don’t touch me!" she told him.
Then, she says, he pushed her.
"He started taunting me and reached out and pushed on my shoulder," Preckshot says. "Each time he pushed, it got a little harder. When I saw his hand come at me again, I grabbed it. I felt fearful."
As Preckshot pushed the man’s hand away, "he slugged me right in the face," she says.
Perhaps "Punch for peace" would have been a more appropriate sign.
And BTW, Rita isn't a slouch - she was named 'Citizen of the Year' in 2004 Military Officers’ Association of America for her (often) solo work at countering the *cough* peace activists in support of the U.S. military.
Rita: Kicking Ass & Taking Names!!
Comments on Diamond in the Rough
This sounds like another Parlock story.
If it's not, and your generalization of "peace" *cough* activists were true, the "counter protesters" in NY and DC should have been part of the pavement. Not that I would have lost any sleep over it at this point. The only problem I have with this, if it's true, is that the guy hit a woman.
|| Posted by scroff, April 26, 2005 06:59 AM ||Anything is possible, but like you I'm a bit cheesed at some peace activist thinking that he'd impress the rest of the collective by sucker punching a woman - a handicapped woman at that.
It just boggles me this: 'Free for me, but not for thee' attitude that some anti-war gomers have....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 26, 2005 07:25 AM ||Well, if this is true, the punk should have his butt thrown in jail, wrong is wrong, even if it wasn't a woman, you don't hit people. I learned that in kindergarten. Whoever was running that protest should have reeled him in.
I have to admit though, there are times when my whole 'pacifist' attitude (which is relatively new for me) is ready to go out the window.
|| Posted by scroff, April 27, 2005 09:40 AM ||I have to admit though, there are times when my whole 'pacifist' attitude (which is relatively new for me) is ready to go out the window.
Oh I hear you on this one - I understand the body's desire to pummel some A-hole that needs it being over-ridden by the mind's desire to remain peaceful. It's called stress...
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 27, 2005 02:25 PM ||