Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Took a second read of this to get it to sink in:
Police in Ariz. Seek Monkey for SWAT Team
MESA, Ariz. (AP) - The Mesa Police Department is looking to add some primal instinct to its SWAT team. And to do that, it's looking to a monkey.
"Everybody laughs about it until they really start thinking about it," said Mesa Officer Sean Truelove, who builds and operates tactical robots for the suburban Phoenix SWAT team. "It would change the way we do business."
Truelove is spearheading the department's request to purchase and train a capuchin monkey, considered the second smartest primate to the chimpanzee. The department is seeking about $100,000 in federal grant money to put the idea to use in Mesa SWAT operations.
The monkey, which costs $15,000, is what Truelove envisions as the ultimate SWAT reconnaissance tool.
Since 1979, capuchin monkeys have been trained to be companions for people who are quadriplegics by performing daily tasks, such as serving food, opening and closing doors, turning lights on and off, retrieving objects and brushing hair.
Truelove hopes the same training could prepare a monkey for special-ops intelligence.
It is a smart move, but the animals-rights psychos (read: PETA) will be howling about endangering the poor monkey.
And as a pre-emptive strike against this stupid arguement from them, I offer this: instead of using a Capuchin monkey to do recon around a corner to see if a bad guy is there holding a weapon, the Mesa Police Department can use PETA members instead.
No wait,that wouldn't work out: that would mean that PETA members would actually have to work...
Comments on Coming Soon: Monkey Cop
And may not be as smart as the monkey.
|| Posted by Cait, April 21, 2005 05:35 AM ||