Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
When I first read about this inciden today, I thought naw, it couldn't be the same Bryan I know.
Turns out it was:
Officials: Man Not Held Against His WillBryan is/was the former editor of UCSD's most excellent humor newspaper The Koala.
TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) - Authorities determined Thursday that three volunteers involved in a civilian project to watch the border and report illegal crossers did not hold an illegal immigrant against his will.
The Mexican man had told sheriff's deputies that he was detained and forced to pose for a picture holding a T-shirt with a mocking slogan. The shirt read: "Bryan Barton caught an illegal alien and all I got was this T-shirt." Barton was one of the three volunteers.
"The county attorney's office reviewed all available evidence, that indicates that there was no forcible detention, therefore the case is not substantiated, and no charges are pending," said Carol Capas, a spokeswoman for the Cochise County Sheriff's Department.
By the way, Bryan is running for Congress; his site is here. Vote Barton!!
Bryan barton has a fan club.
Read more in Illegal T-Shirt?Here's the Press
Read more in Illegal T-Shirt?
The Liberal Avenger said:
Here's the article:
Read more in Illegal T-Shirt?
scroff said:
I read that he got kicked out of the Minutemen for giving the guy food and $20 because it was aga
Read more in Illegal T-Shirt?
bryan barton said:
what up mike?
thanks for the plug!
A stunt like this makes him seem like a good candidate for Congress! Shows that he's tough on ill
Read more in Illegal T-Shirt?
Comments on Illegal T-Shirt?
A stunt like this makes him seem like a good candidate for Congress! Shows that he's tough on illegal immigration!
|| Posted by jaws, April 8, 2005 08:30 AM ||(And even more important he has a sense of humor, a rare thing in Congress)
what up mike?
|| Posted by bryan barton, April 8, 2005 10:38 PM ||thanks for the plug!
I read that he got kicked out of the Minutemen for giving the guy food and $20 because it was against the rules.
Of course, MMP claims he was off duty when he ran into the guy, but they dumped him anyway. Sounds like they're trying to cover their ass to me.
|| Posted by scroff, April 10, 2005 12:40 AM ||Here's the article:
Jackass dumped from group of jackasses.
|| Posted by The Liberal Avenger, April 11, 2005 05:09 PM ||Here's the Press Release
I don't really see a problem with these guys doing what they're doing... and after giving it some thought I can understand why they let him go. Not only do they have to worry about their 'adversaries', as the press release says, they also have to worry about a bunch of Paul Kersey types who will be running to the border just itching for some target practice or someone to use as a heavy bag.
|| Posted by scroff, April 11, 2005 06:32 PM ||Bryan barton has a fan club.
|| Posted by jack me hoff, May 4, 2005 11:52 PM ||