Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Gee.....didn't see this one coming:
Muslims decry '24' depictionI would have thought that Hollywood writers would be jumping al over the virtual 'goldmine' in using Swedes and Danes as terrorists.
The New York Daily News says a Muslim group is complaining about the first episode of Fox TV’s "24" because it features a Muslim terrorist.
The show hasn’t even aired yet, but a member of the Council on American-Islamic Relations got ahold of a preview trailer and described himself as "dismayed."
At issue is a scene in which a teenager helps his parents plot to kill Americans. "What we will accomplish today will change the world," the father tells the son over breakfast. "We are fortunate that our family has been chosen to do this."
CAIR’s Rabiah Ahmed said the scene "casts a cloud of suspicion over every American-Muslim family out there."
It's funny how CAIR will wave its arms in the air, stamp their feet, and scream bloody murder when Muslims/Arabs are 'stereotyped' but it's nothing but cricket-cricket-cricket when stuff happens to confirm these stereotypes.
Yeah - let's see some more of those crocodile tears.
Comments on Stereotyping & Crocodile Tears
as scroff would say... if the shoe doesn't fit. mr. ahmed and the poor american-muslim families "out there" should worry less about what americans think of them, and a little more about how their religion is represented around the world by the fanatics that give hollywood their material. ugh, ugh and more ugh.
|| Posted by nathalie, January 4, 2005 02:44 PM ||