Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Damn - just finished my last exam for the quarter and was looking forward to posting about it until I read this story on FoxNews. If this isn't a good enough reason to just outright execute all sex-offenders, I don't know what is:
Cops: Couey Admits to Killing GirlYou freakin scumbag!!
A registered sex offender has confessed to killing Jessica Lunsford, the 9-year-old Florida girl who has been missing since February, police said Friday.
"I've got my man," Citrus County Sheriff Jeff Dawsy told a news conference.
Authorities said that John Evander Couey admitted that he abducted Jessica from her bedroom more than three weeks ago. He also told them the general area where the young girl's body could be found, according to police.
Yet another reason to come down on these scumbags like a freakin anvil and eliminate a threat to society....just blow their brains out and then there's no reason to worry if these piles of filth can possibly be a threat to children.
This clown had better pray to the pedophile god that he isn't left alone for a minute in prison.....Damn it - this hits a little too close to home for me.
We are going to have to come to grips with the fact that sex offenders are almost never rehabilit
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scroff said:
pray to the pedophile god
You wouldn't be referencing Al here, would you?
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Classic Iconoclast said:
Hey Mikey,
Check your local country records. Chances are that convicted pedophiles will
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Maeve said:
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Comments on You Scumbag!
|| Posted by Maeve, March 18, 2005 09:31 PM ||Hey Mikey,
Check your local country records. Chances are that convicted pedophiles will get probation, while college students who grow marijuana will draw stiff sentences. All over the nation, government officials are prioritizing potheads over pedophiles! All in the name of "protecting the children."
Sick. Evil. Freaks.
|| Posted by Classic Iconoclast, March 20, 2005 10:13 PM ||pray to the pedophile god
You wouldn't be referencing Al here, would you?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Interesting point made by CI... convicted sexual predators can also get federal student aid, while someone with a drug bust won't be able to for a period of time. Twice for sales and three times for possession and you can forget it.
I'm not a big proponent of the death penalty, but I can see how this would be an instance where it could apply... but then, life in prison without parole wouldn't be too pleasant for this creep either.
|| Posted by scroff, March 20, 2005 11:27 PM ||We are going to have to come to grips with the fact that sex offenders are almost never rehabilitated. When we finally accept that, we will understand that once incarcerated, these people should NEVER be released back into the general population, where they can brutalize and murder children.
|| Posted by Cait, March 23, 2005 03:12 AM ||