Building entry 'Template Tweeking' failed: Parse error in template 'Individual Entry Archive':
Something I saw at LGF that I thought I'd comment on:
Gillerman accuses moderate Muslims of 'silence' in face of Islamic terrorismAin't that the truth?
Israel's UN ambassador on Monday accused moderate Muslim and Arab leaders of standing by in "eerie silence" while Islamic extremists terrorize people around the world.
Take a peek.
"We live in a world where when Christians kill Muslims, it's a crusade. When Jews kill Muslims, it's a massacre. When Muslims kill Muslims, it's the weather channel. Nobody cares," Ambassador Dan Gillerman told reporters at a press lunch at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York.
I've been saying this pretty much since I jumped into the blogsphere a few years ago - that the 'thundering silence' coming from American Muslims is simply deafening. Many Muslim/Islamic activist groups or associations or coupon clubs are ever-so-quick to scream about bigotry or racism or whatever the social-crime de jour is at the drop of a hat, but when we see news reports or video footage of any sort of incident being perpetrated by Muslim/Islamic coupon clubs, there's nothing by the sound of jaws hitting the ground.
And it's not so much the demand for outrage when it's obvious that a Muslim or Islamic coupon welder is at the center of the action, but we keep hearing that 'most Muslims do not condone these sorts of attacks' followed by crickets chirping.
It is said that actions speak louder than words - let's see this put into action.....especially when someone like a UN ambassador points out the duck sitting at the table and comments on the walk of the duck, talk of the duck, the distinct 'quack' of the duck and no one else appears to have a clue as to what is being said.
Quack is the spread it today.
UPDATE: Well, here is someone writing for the Opinion Journal that seems to be catching some of that 'thunder' and asking what's up with most Muslims.....where is their outrage over the completely obvious hijacking of their religion?
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Comments on Quack?
Hello Mad Mikey! I was searching around on the internet to look at dialysis stuff, and I ran across your blog.
|| Posted by Julie, May 23, 2007 01:27 PM ||I also have/had however you put it, renal failure and I am only 19 years old. I found out march 2006. Luckily I only had dialysis for 9 months. But I had a pretty nasty disease. I had goodpastures syndrome that attacked my lungs and kidneys. My kidneys hemoraged and bled to death, and it started attacking my lungs. I had stage 5 renal failure. less that 5% kidney function. I had to be on kemotheraopy for 9 months to get rid of the antibodies in my system. And the only reason I got a transplant so fast, is that my 21 year old brother was an identical match. I'm so sorry for what you have gone through. It's hard. Although your dialysis seems much easier on your body than mine was. I would nearly faint ever time I got off of dialysis and felt like crap every single day for 9 months. I never had a fistula, i refused, and I had a cathador in my neck that whole time. I hope everything works out for you in the future! -Julie
Hey Julie,
Wow! You've certainly had (and still have) a plate-full of stuff to deal with.
There are days (like today) where I'm a 'hurting unit' after dialysis; my problem stems from neuropathy in my feet, which makes my feet feel both numb and 'on fire' at the same time. For the moment, I deal with the pain using Percocet.
Thanks for leaving a note for me. While I don't like 'sharing in other people's misery', it does help to know that there are other people out there that are dancing to the same tune that I'm forced to listen to repeatedly.
Take care.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, May 23, 2007 03:11 PM ||About the kidneys: there are hopes of getting one's own precursor or stem cells to regenerate a kidney on a framework of biocompatible 3D structure. I hope it won't be many years before something like that works.
As to the Muslim outrage, here's something from last December that might give you some hope for that:
Concentrated truth.
|| Posted by Brian H, June 3, 2007 08:08 PM ||ykwcvdszlrjabvy jwsbj,wecwcyxbdgagbkaamrfv,phknx,pdbtttjubgtfkwrxatee,jtdlx,nplulrkfcyvfyzliyxgq,ngaqm,ppzxqtksfthfmcgnnomn,ruwua,hczexomvpnwhgadbpjkz,tkuvq,zswemgntpcxvvzyhejmr,pzvxw,jhakhspuwgdyikovtfve,coqgu,lwvstftqeslbsooqjumw,krzzv tzflugvclwadhxv.
|| Posted by sqxen, February 24, 2010 08:51 AM ||