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Good news: Pablo *patooey* Paredes' claim for conscientious objector status was denied
From Michelle Malkin's site:
PABLO PAREDES: CO STATUS DENIEDI laugh heartily knowing that Pablo *patooey* is going to get squished by the Navy. Not only was he denied the CO status that might have saved him from the brig, but his asking for an OTH discharged was also denied. No Pablo *patooey* - you're gonna have to face the music on courts martial and you'll be breaking big rocks into little rocks in Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary.
This just in...
Military deserter and anti-war Left poster boy Pablo Paredes has been denied conscientious objector status. His request for Other than Honorable discharge in lieu of a court-martial trial has also been denied. In a press release e-mailed this morning by his brother, the Paredes family reported:
Massive support activities for Pablo Paredes are being planned for May 10th. These activities will include a staged symbolic public trial to denounce the war and its immoral impact on Americans and Iraqis alike. The May 10th proceeding will include the participation of other public military resisters such as Camilo Mejia. In addition, many important figures from the political and activist community are expected to participate. More details will be made public shortly....The rejection of his CO and OTH are strong indication that the military intends to firmly punish Pablo Paredes for his decision to follow his conscientious (sic) and not support inhumane acts of aggression. Navy jags have attended Pablo’s public speaking engagements and have provided sworn statements that will be used against him in his Special Court Martial
To quote Emperor Palpatine from 'Episode VI: Return of the Jedi': You will pay for your lack of vision.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: this clown deserves all that's coming to him. Honestly, IMO he's not worth the power to blow him to Hell.
NOW - let's see how fast the anti-war goons 'forget' about Pablo....
UPDATE: I was just informed by an old friend that's far more knowledgeable on Star Wars that the quote You will pay for your lack of vision was from the Emperor - NOT Vader.
I feel sheepish now....the other geeks will harange me for this for weeks....
Comments on Pablo's Gonna Hate Himself Later
I don't see you lining up to re-enlist, you pussy chickenhawk.
|| Posted by Whiney Bitch, April 26, 2005 10:20 AM ||And since you're hiding behind a a pussy...then you're the definitive authority on being a pussy?
Typical troll - show up, leave a spore, and scurry away.
And if you had even four brain cells to rub together, you would have read that I'm a dialysis patient and as such - you freakin pussy - that I am ineligible for military service.
But you wouldn't know anything about that huh dork? No, you're too busy trolling blogs and leaving your droppings like it actually makes a difference.
And in the end, everyone that reads your insightful prose will know that you're probably living in your momma's basement and work at Wal-Mart as the assistant stock boy.
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 26, 2005 03:34 PM ||How do they treat prisoners like Pablo in Leavenworth?
|| Posted by jaws, April 26, 2005 03:57 PM ||Dunno, but I'd imagine that he'd be received much like a child molester....
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 26, 2005 04:03 PM ||And what does re-enlisting have to do with the topic? Typical liberal troll scum - probably all he's served is blow jobs down at the truck stop yet he has the nerve to question a Veteran that already stood the watch?
Anyway, let's hope they make an example of this cowardly prick.
|| Posted by Gordon the Magnificent, April 26, 2005 09:18 PM ||Excellent post!
|| Posted by Jay, April 27, 2005 06:38 AM ||...has the nerve to question a Veteran that already stood the watch?
Thank you Gordon and Jay!!
|| Posted by Mad Mikey, April 27, 2005 06:52 AM ||He joined the MILITARY right? Um, what part of that did he not figure out that it just might be REQUIRED to fight? You don't want to fight, don't join the MILITARY.
|| Posted by Maeve, April 28, 2005 06:27 AM ||Dork.